Imagine that one of your position’s responsibilities is to provide weekly report on the operation of your division to the senior leadership team or the business managers who report to them. If such is the case, you should probably space this responsibility over four weeks. As a result of the fact that many company businesses carry out their accounting performance and financial actions, they will want a briefing that is formatted by this period. The executive summary that is included in the weekly report is required to provide an assessment of the achievements, highlights, and difficulties faced by the company during the relevant period by the report.

10+ Weekly Report Samples

1. Weekly Activity Reports

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  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


2. Weekly Status Report

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  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


3. Weekly Construction Progress Report

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  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


4. Contractor’s Weekly Report

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  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


5. Weekly Installation Report

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  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


6. Weekly Technical Report

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  • PDF

Size: 107 KB


7. Weekly Project Report

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  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


8. Guidelines for Weekly Reports

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Size: 67 KB


9. Weekly Open Purchase Orders Report

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  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


10. Internship Weekly Progress Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


11. Pool Operators Weekly Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


What Is a Weekly Report?

A weekly report is a tool that gives companies a detailed summary of their company performance for a particular week and is typically provided weekly. The managers utilize these reports, powered by interactive visualizations, to highlight the progress made over the past week and uncover chances for improvement in the future. Generally speaking, weekly reports are used to track the development or performance of many business situations, such as business projects, sales performance, finances, marketing campaigns, human resources, or any other area that might be relevant.

How To Make a Weekly Report?

Reports created in the traditional format are often presented in written form and may comprise an introduction, body, and conclusion. Even though this structure for the weekly report is required to summarize certain relevant information, it is also stagnant and less efficient. You can read the steps listed below if you are interested in gaining further knowledge on writing a weekly report.

1. Research the Previously Issued Reports

If this is the first time you have ever produced a weekly report, you must review previous reports, regardless of whether they were daily or monthly. It would help if you considered whether there is any information from the end of the year that you would like to add to your report. In addition to this, there may be a predetermined format that should be followed for your weekly report.

2. Specify Informational Sources

Suppose the weekly report is not solely your responsibility. In that case, you will most likely be required to obtain information from various sources or departments to finish it. For instance, if your report requires you to include financial data, you need to contact the accounting or finance department and inquire about the necessary data for that quarter. This information is stored in the database that the section uses.

3. Examine Various Aspects of Business

Gather information concerning the many facets of the firm that will be covered in the weekly report that you will be writing. Consider the possibility that you are the project manager for a consulting firm, and the report’s purpose is to provide the leadership team with an update on the status of several different engagements.

4. Create The Intro and Conclusion

After you have finished creating a draft of your report and gathered all the necessary materials for it, the next step is to write the introduction and the conclusion. Your report’s audience, the departments or projects that are being covered, and any other information that is pertinent should all be mentioned in the beginning.

How do you put together a report every week?

It is essential to review all of the initiatives that have been put into action and bring attention to the goals that have been accomplished right at the beginning of the work week.

What information should be included in a weekly report?

Plans, progress, challenges, or the past, the present, and the future should all be included in a weekly report.

What exactly is the point of submitting a weekly report?

A weekly report reviews your workweek, summarizes what projects you have finished, what projects are still in progress, and plans describing your workflow for the following week.

A weekly progress report provides a week-by-week summary of what has been performed and what tasks still need to be completed to meet the deadline. A weekly progress report is similar to a daily progress report in that it may include obstacles and lessons learned from the previous week.

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