No workplace has ever had a 100% safety track record. Misunderstanding, workplace harassments, office incidents, injuries and violence amongst others are eventually bound to happen. Most especially you have a group of diverse individuals all working in one environment. To be able to keep track, monitor and implement polices and guidelines one important reference needed are workplace incident reports. With the help of this document, businesses can better understand what needs to be done and align this with methods and programs to prevent more incidents from happening. To further understand this, continue reading this article and check out our workplace incident report template samples below:
10+ Workplace Incident Report Samples
1. Workplace Incident Report Template

2. Workplace Harassment Incident Report Form Template

3. Workplace Violence Incident Report
4. Workplace Violence Incident Report Form
5. Workplace Policy Incident Report
6. Workplace Incident Report Form
7. Workplace Violence Prohibited Incident Report
8. Workplace Violence Incident Witness Report
9. Workplace Injury Illness Incident Report
10. Alcohol-Free Workplace Incident Report
11. Health Workplace Incident Violence Report
What Is a Workplace Incident Report?
Whenever any work related injury, illness, violence, harassment or anything related to such happens to an individual, these events are drafted to what we call a workplace incident report. This would contain information on all personnel members involved, details about the incident and the working conditions at the time of the incident. Workplace incident reports is not limited to employees as this also covers any visitors and clients who were hurt, harassed or fatally injured resulting to death.
How To Write an Workplace Incident Report?
Reporting incidents in a workplace because this can improve health and safety measures, help prevent other incidents from happening and improve a company’s reputational value. Overall, this is one way to prove that a company is committed to safeguarding the well-being of its business environment, its assets and employees. The exact requirements of an incident report vary depending on a company and its policy and procedures. But here is some essential information that every incident report should contain.
1. Basic Information Details
Start off with the basic information of those involved in the incident such as their names, home addresses, contact information, age, gender identity, the department they’re working in, job profile and etc. This will help document and identify the people who were involved even if it were a onlooker.
2. Description of Injury or Damage
Describe in full detail the extent of the injury or any damages that has materialize, what caused it, how severe it was, and if there was any treatment received.
3. Description of Incident
Recount in detail the events that transpired such as the working environment when the incident took place. And if there were any equipment or materials involved in the incident or associated with it, try to identify what it was and if it took any part that led to the accident.
4. Witnesses and Evidences
Record any witnesses statement if possible to add to the authenticity of the incident. This would serve as back up support to your claim and well gather any evidences such as pictures and video recordings.
5. Post Incident Treatment
Describe what was done right after the incident, such as what medical procedures were administered, how was the incident or accident site managed and if other preventive measures were carried out to ensure the safety of everyone.
6. Post-analysis of the Incident
As an investigation is on its way or has been carried, include in your report the findings and proposed action plans to help avoid similar incidents from happening again.
What Is a Workplace Health and Safety Management System?
A workplace health and safety management are policies and protocols instilled by an organization that systematically manages health and safety at work and can help to minimize the risk of injury and illness from workplace operations.
Who Is a Safety Manager?
A safety manager is a safety specialist who is responsible for the preparation, execution and continuous improvement of the safety management system within an organization.
What Is a Workplace Investigation?
A workplace investigation takes place when there is credible information such as incident report that can back up significant wrongdoing, misconduct or ethical lapses.
The main purpose of an incident report is to state the cause of the problem along with corrective actions that can be taken to minimize the risk of a future occurrence. The forms can also be used as reference for safety documents, outlining potential safety hazards around the workplace and implementing or adjusting company policies to ensure a safe working environment for all.
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