Performance of employees needs to be monitored by the HR managers or small business owners to keep the organization productive as well as profitable. It is important to appreciate high performing employees with promotions or pay scale hike, while average performing employees are required to be motivated. For effectual performance appraisal, the process of monitoring performance should be systematic. For that, Employee Performance Review forms are created by HR managers. These forms are used to take feedback on employee performance from project managers or team leaders.

Employee Performance Review Sample

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Size: 153 KB


Use this employee review form for initiating the process of reviewing performance of the employees. For that purpose, this simple PDF file can be used. Download this to get an ideal employee review format.

Free Employee Performance Review Sample

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Size: 67 KB


In order to create employee performance reviews, HR managers need to create a form to collect data from the project managers or senior company executives. Using this performance review sample is simple and it takes only a few minutes to download it.

Retail Employee Performance Review Sample

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Size: 345 KB


The retail industry is dynamic and thus employee performance has to be measured with precision in this industry. For carrying out the process of employee performance review, you can use this simple PDF sample to craft a performance review form.

Employee Performance Review

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  • PDF

Size: 921 KB


Employee performance reviews include a lot of important things. The structure has to be standardized and lucid. HR managers can download this sample to create employee performance reports or reviews.

Temporary Employee Performance Review

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  • PDF

Size: 121 KB


Annual Employee Performance Review Form

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  • PDF

Size: 473 KB


Sample Employee Performance Review Form

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  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


Staff Performance Review

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 30 KB


Purpose of Employee Performance Review

A business has to remain productive and to do that, it has to monitor the performance of the employees on a daily or monthly basis. Some organizations monitor employee performance on the basis of projects too. Understanding employee performance is important as high performing employees need appraisal through promotions or salary hikes.

On the other hand, low performing or under-performing employees need to be motivated or encouraged. If the under-performance continues, company management may decide to expel such personnel. But, for these things, performance monitoring with precision is important. Different ways of performance monitoring can be found and different organizations opt for different methods.

Who Should Use Employee Performance Review?

Employee performance is monitored by the higher authorities. There are different levels of monitoring. For example, the HR manager or the company owner stays at the top of the tier when it comes to employee performance monitoring. Under him, senior executive, projects managers and team leaders are there. They monitor performance of the general executives and prepare reports for the higher authorities. You can also see Employee Reviews

For example, team leaders prepare employee performance report for the general managers or project managers. Project managers report to senior executives or the HR manager. So, in an organization, different sections of personnel need employee performance monitoring or reviewing templates.

Benefits of Employee Performance Review

Employee performance reviewing or monitoring comes with a lot of benefits. Basically, this process is carried out to ensure better productivity and seamless work culture within an organization. For better employee performance reviewing, it is absolutely essential to follow a planned approach. For that, the HR manager has to involve the senior level employees in the act so that information on certain employees can be obtained. You can also see Management Review

Identifying poorly performing individuals is as important as identifying high performing individuals. Good performance must be recognized and appreciated to ensure that employees remain motivated. For under-performers, special training sessions or other management processes may be carried out.

Employee performance reviewing and mentoring are frequently practiced by the HR managers to keep the human resource within an organization super active as well as productive. For employee Performance Reviews, you need forms for collecting reports or reviews on employees from project managers or high level executives. For that purpose, online PDF samples can be used.

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