Sales representatives play a crucial role in closing a sale and bringing profit to a company. This is why it is important to conduct sales performance reviews to understand how the sales team is able to meet expectations and achieve goals. The main purpose of such reviews is that this serves as an opportunity for employee advancement, development, and learning. A sales manager may use all the data collected to make room for improvement and think of better strategies that may help the team. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start preparing this review for your team, we’ve got a list of sales performance review samples that you can download for free on this page.

7+ Sales Performance Review Samples

1. Online Product Reviews on Sales Performance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 197 KB


2. Online Client Reviews on Sales Performance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 877 KB


3. Sales Manager Performance Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 117 KB


4. Sales Performance Business Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


5. Literature Review Sales Performance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 512 KB


6. Inside Sales Performance Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


7. Sales Performance Profile Review

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


8. Performance Review Salesperson

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 448 KB


What is a Sales Performance Review?

Reviewing work performance is common in most companies as this helps measure how well an employee or a team is currently doing. If a company has its very own sales department then it is proper to conduct a sales performance review within the team. Hitting the sales target is its number one priority, and to do this, you need to determine the team’s performance and productivity. The process of conducting is review is usually done quarterly or annually, where the entire team would discuss their productivity and goals, and make some comparisons. It is also through these reviews that the management will be able to determine how well each member is doing, which will be the cornerstone of their career development and salary increase.

How To Conduct a Sales Performance Review

To make sure that the sales team is at its top performance, the sales manager must be able to continuously monitor and assess their work patterns and behavior. By administrating a sales performance review, you are able to perceive and gain insights and use these to develop an improvement plan for the upcoming sales year. Here are several effective approaches you can use to conduct a sales performance review for the team.

1. Create an Outline

First, you need to determine what aspects and issues you want to address. This would mean focusing on several key areas that will help you determine how each sales representative is doing as an individual and as a team. Also, consider evaluating their sales strategies and assess elements that lead to the final outcome as well.

2. Gather Data from Reliable Resources

One of the best places to gather data that can help measure performance is by analyzing feedback from clients and of course the sales numbers over a given period.

3. Discussion

Take time to discuss what transpired over the given period, based on the data you have gathered. It is important to look into both scenarios, the positive and negative feedback. Address individual performance and sales results so employees understand how they contributed. Let them point out the challenges they have encountered so everyone could brainstorm and find ways to fix these problems.

4. Summarize and Develop an Action Plan

Once you’ve talked to the team, and gathered all the necessary details, the next thing you should do is over all these and develop an action plan. Performance reviews need to be action-oriented. You may want to create goals and objectives so the team can work their way to accomplishing them. It is also essential to create individual and team goals that will help each member understand what is expected from them.

5. Monitor and Improve

Working in sales is a continuous process of organizing and analyzing how to successfully hit the desired target. It is a series of ups and downs, which is nothing new, but as long as reviews are regularly conducted then there is always an opportunity to address concerns and improve the sales process and the employees.


What is a Sales Representative?

A sales representative is responsible for selling a product or service and meeting customers’ needs. Their job entails finding new prospects and sales leads and converting them into paid users.

What are the consequences of a poor performance?

Poor performance can create a ripple effect on the company and its employees as they become disengaged and may result in resignation. This is why it is important that companies focus their attention on helping their employees improve their productivity.

What is KPI?

A KPI or a key performance indicator is a method of measuring an organization’s performance against a set of targets, objectives, or competitors.

A properly conducted sales performance review will help the sales team identify the areas they need to improve, harness their skills, and learn how to face their clients effectively. To make it easier for you to do, download our free templates now!

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