Getting people to take an interest in your offer is a challenge salespeople face daily. There are thousands of ways to woo a prospective client to your side, but only a number of them work when you do them the right way. One thing that never fails to give the best results is having an efficient sales pitch as a foundation of your presentation. It helps you provide an outline of your offers and showcase their benefits in a way that accommodates your audience’s needs. Read more about this below.

FREE 10+ Sales Pitch Samples

1. Sales Pitch Deck Template

sales pitch deck template

File Format
  • Google Slides
  • Powepoint
  • Flowcharts

Size: 4:3 HD


2. Sales Pitch Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


3. Better Sales Pitch Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 270 KB


4. Rubric Sales Pitch Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 468 KB


5. Sample 3 Minute Sales Pitch

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 527 KB


6. Sales Pitch Activity Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 293 KB


7. Sample Product Sales Pitch

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 532 KB


8. Basic Sales Pitches

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 420 KB


9. Sample Sales Pitch Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


10. Health Insurance Sales Pitch

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 135 KB


11. Common Sales Pitch Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


What Is a Sales Pitch?

A sales pitch is essentially a presentation that a salesperson uses to introduce products and services and their benefits to persuade an audience to avail of their offer. It’s brief and focused. It’s a salesperson’s go-to script whenever they’re asked to pick up the phone and talk about what they can offer or make a presentation in front of prospective clients. 

The Elements of a Winning Sales Pitch

According to Salesforce’s statistics on how the facets of sales are changing, the sales industry’s challenges include meeting their customer’s expectations and raising their competitive advantage. It is especially useful in a sales era where prospects look for those who are willing to assist them through instead of having only the intention of selling a product. On top of this challenge, virtual selling has been rising in popularity as 62% of sales representatives have been working online while only 48% meet with customers.

Confronting these challenges requires you to have an efficient way to present your offers to clients that will hook them on your brand and consider giving your proposal a try. A well-structured sales pitch can accomplish that. The following are the elements of a winning sales pitch:

1. Prioritize audience needs. Instead of appearing as someone who has something to sell, be someone who carried the solutions they need. Your pitch should highlight not your products or services, but what they can do to fill your clients’ gaps. You need a comprehensive audience profile to understand their needs, which is an essential component of your presentation.

2. Have a clear message. Your pitch should embody your effort’s goal with a clear message. What do you want your clients to understand? What things do you want them to know about you? It will help you deliver your pitch better when you know the core of what you need to tell them.

3. Have Proof. In the sales industry, it pays to have and retain networks that you can tap for recommendations. It’s no secret that clients look for online and peer reviews when considering doing business with another entity. It is why you need to have social proofs to show that you’ve worked with other names in your field. Have testimonials, ask for feedback after you’ve successfully catered to every client, and encourage them to put on a good word for you. It is a valuable strategy for your marketing plan.

4. Encourage interaction. A one-way sales communication where only the salesperson is making an effort to connect has a slim chance of success. A winning sales plan encourages a prospect to ask questions, express their concerns, stress their preferences, and in some cases, point our correction to build rapport. It has a higher chance of escalating towards a stronger network later on.

How to Make a Sales Pitch

If you’re looking for ways on how to make a sales pitch, here are some easy ways for you:

1. Do Research

There’s nothing more attractive the research-based claims and factual information. Instead of splurting out salesly and out-of-nowhere claims to make your pitch sound interesting, take the time to do research. Refer to journals and reviews and how your product or service’s benefits can produce great results. Pair your statements with statistics and other documents from reliable sources. 

2. Acknowledge Your Audience

Your sales pitch should be audience-centric. It means that it should, first and foremost, consider your client’s best interest as every business effort should. It is why business plans, marketing plans, and other entrepreneurial initiatives do audience analysis to give them an in-depth perspective of their target market’s characteristics and needs. Only then can you devise a plan on how to attract them. It’s also a way for you to find out what solution you have that can benefit them. Do the same for your sales pitch and get to know your audience and show a presentation that suits them better.

3. Make Your Pitch Visually Attractive

If you’re making a powerpoint presentation or a proposal when initiating a conversation with your clients, make it visually pleasing. You can make it formal by using basic colors and a neat presentation. You can also do a creative format if it helps you achieve your goal plan of presenting your offers and results. The key is to make it attractive and legible. Be on the lookout for grammatical errors and avoid using glaring colors or multiple unnecessary transitions to aid in making your clients understand your message.

4. Remember to Always Keep It Brief

You should always consider your clients’ work schedule when you invite them to hear what you have for them. They lead hectic lives and it’s unwise to present a lengthy discussion. Always keep your pitch clear and brief, so it’s easy for them to find out the main points of the presentation.


What are the different types of sales pitches?

The different types of sales pitch are as follows:

  • One-word sales pitch
  • Subject line sales pitch
  • Twitter sales pitch
  • Question sales pitch
  • Rhyming sales pitch
  • Pixar sales pitch

What are the components of a sales pitch?

The components of a sales pitch include:

  • The problem
  • Value proposition
  • Your products and services (i.e., your offer)
  • Social proof
  • Customer review
  • Questions

How long should you hold a sales pitch presentation?

The sales pitch presentation should have 30 to 45 minutes long on a maximum.

The role of sales directly involves raising business revenue by bringing in clients and customers. While marketing is a way to get your audience’s attention so they’ll take interest in your brand, the sales are those that actually bring them in. It’s important to have a well-structured sales pitch that your business can use whenever they need to talk with a prospect. Scroll through our sales pitch templates and get yours now!

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