Let’s face it. An excel amortization calculator is the best thing out there to calculate your loan or mortgage in a fast as well as reliable way. Dealing with the technicalities of finance will always be rocket science (if not entirely rocket science, then certainly something difficult) for sleuths who didn’t study finance and the way it works. But herein lies the fact that, nearly every individual has to deal with their finances, loan, mortgages. You can also see the Loan Calculator Excel Samples.

Loan Amortization Calculator Excel Sample

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Loan amortization calculator consists of two parts. The first part consists of two tables, one where the values are entered and a loan summary. And secondly, a final chart.

Sample Amortization Schedule Calculator in Excel

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Size: 40 KB


This consists of two parts too. The first part has all the details about the loan and the monthly transactions and the second part a detailed chart of the transactions.

Mortgage Amortization Calculator Excel Format

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Size: 15 KB


Mortgage Amortization Calculator Samples primarily consists of all the main inputs, the key figures involved, a table demonstrating all the payment made in the first year and a schedule of balances and payments.

Target Audience for the Amortization Calculators Excel Samples

Well, as mentioned before, dealing with financial intricacies and calculating all types of loans isn’t exactly child play, and anyone with a non-financial background is bound to get confused. Designing the format of such a calculator with all proper details can be quite tedious as well. No wonder, people tend to hire financial advisors, counselors, etc. to help them out who then acquire a hefty charge.

The whole point is to avoid that and try to manage the work and calculation with premade templates. Thus, anyone with a nonfinancial background looking to calculate loans can take help from here. You can also see the Mortgage Payment Calculator Samples.

Maxgain Amortization Calculator Excel Example

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Size: 59 KB


This consists of two parts. The first part deals with the primary loan information and the second part deals with the detailed tables consisting of all the transactions made since.

Sample Amortization Calculator Worksheet Excel Download

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Size: 97 KB


This consists of a pre-made loan calculator tool, a summary of the loan, all the details of the first year amortization schedule and the annual amortization schedule with the principal.

Sample Free Excel Amortization Calculator

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  • XLSX

Size: 37 KB


Benefits of Amortization Calculators

The benefits include not having to shell out extra bucks for hiring financial experts to look at your calculations and loans. It also saves time and effort of a person as he does not have to design a calculator all by himself and can be accurate with his calculations as well. You can also see the Mortgage Payoff Calculator Samples.

The accuracy of all such calculations is critical as one mistake can send the entire list sprawling. Thus, when the actual calculation is being done by the machine, the possibility of an error reduces significantly. Also, there are several free tables and schedules on Excel available online nowadays.

You can always choose from our range of Mortgage Payment Calculator Samples and edit the numbers and figures and get the calculation instantly. The formulae will be put; you will just require putting the figures, and the results will be right in front of you instantly. Best of luck.

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