Technology’s advancement and humanities’ developed lifestyle all roots back to the studies conducted by scientists and researchers. For every information gathered, it results in further investigations that lead to discoveries. Written reports play a huge role in recording data and providing awareness to valuable information which are essential to the never-ending demands of society.

Sample Case Report

People mostly underestimate the value of case reports, but little do they know that they have a remarkable contribution to researches and investigations. The idea of recording and sharing valuable data leads to innovations in all fields, especially in the field of science, medicine, and business.

1. Sample Case Report

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Writing a case report may be daunting at first glance, but once you get to chop down the steps of making one, things become easier. Identifying and understanding your topic is the first step in creating your report. Communication is the key to understanding. Make sure that you convey your message well to your audience, then create a timeline to help you track your report flow and progress. Then give your report a conclusion. This sample case report will teach you the steps of making a case report from scratch.

2. Sample Medical Case Report

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Case reports are essential in the field of medicine. They provide detailed information on your patient’s symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, procedures, and outcomes of their medication. In which doctors like yourself, can study the condition of your patient and provide feedback on their cases. This sample medical case report serves as a guideline and framework in aiding you to create your case report from scratch.

3. Sample Detective Case Report

sample detective case report

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Investigating and solving criminal cases are one of a detective’s specialty. Sometimes known as an investigator, they commonly work with a law enforcement agency. But take note that they are not solving cases 24/7 like how movies depict them to be. They also need to submit paperwork. That’s right, paperwork. For every case filed, whether solved or unsolved, detectives need to create a written report about it. If you are enthusiastic in solving cases and becoming a detective, this sample detective case report will teach you how to construct a case report in solving a crime investigation.

4. Sample Disguised Homicide Case Report

sample disguised homicide case report

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Road traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of death that are commonly caused by human error. Knowing this fact, this has become a common tactic in doing a secret assassination. Why? Because this type of accident has a distinct lack of in-depth investigation and evidence that can determine the exact manner of death, making it is easy to disguise a murder into an accident. If you wish to know more about disguised homicides, this sample case report shares detailed information about a homicide disguised as a road traffic accident.

5. Sample Dental Bleaching Case Report

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Everybody loves a beautiful smile. They say smiling makes you attractive and approachable, and the way your teeth look like can affect how people view you. Tooth whitening has become the trend nowadays, and people are just addicted to getting their teeth bleached to get that dazzling smile. Although the treatment is safe and scientifically proven, it is best to take some precautions by seeking advice from a qualified professional. This sample case report shows amazing content about dental bleaching, the process of the treatment, as well as the results of having one.

6. Sample Multiple Retained Teeth Case Report

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Wisdom teeth are common causes for tooth impaction and retention; they are prone to problems and complications if not checked and treated well. But for some exceptional cases, tooth impaction and retention occurs in unexpected areas in the mouth. This sample case report aims to show a rare case of multiple retained teeth found in the mandible. It also provides materials and methods to treat it as well as the results and conclusion on the process.

7. Sample Murder Case Report

sample murder case report

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Vengeance is sweet, but revenge is never the solution for violence. It never ends in a happy ending; instead, you end up in an endless loop of revenge. This sample case report talks about a murder whose motive was revenge, a forensic study on how the crime originated and executed, providing awareness and aid to the judicial system.

8. Sample Pediatric Poisoning Case Report

sample pediatric poisoning case report

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When you have kids, keeping your home safe for them is the first thing that comes to your mind. But one aspect seems to be neglected in the process, and that is identifying which plants are safe and not for their environment. Children are an energetic bunch and are easily attracted to interesting things. In some cases, they are reported to accidentally swallow and ingest plants and seeds that are dangerous for their health. This sample case report seeks to analyze and discuss incidents of pediatric poisoning by swallowing and ingesting hazardous plants.

9. Sample Psychiatric Case Report

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The bobble-head syndrome is a rare head movement disorder that links with abnormalities in the region of the anterior third ventricle (a central cavity in the brain that is bounded by the thalamus and hypothalamus). People with this kind of disorder suffer from involuntary abnormal head movements, commonly nodding and head shaking. This sample psychiatric case report provides you with essential details about the diagnosis of hypomania in bobble-head doll syndrome and its treatment.

10. Sample Anatomy of a Shark Attack Case Report

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You probably heard about shark attacks from horror movies as well as the danger of being in one. This is true in some cases, but shark attacks are a rare case on the beach. Sharks do not attack people in random unless provoked; movies want to exaggerate things. But for one thing, you cannot remove the fact that getting involved in a shark attack is deadly if not treated soon. This sample case report provides a detailed review of the anatomy of a shark attack, its trends, fatalities, and treatments.

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