The cheer leading tryout score consists of characteristics and skills of every participant. Participants are scored from 1-10 in terms of general appearance, attitude, voice projection, cheer, motions, enthusiasm, interaction with audience and coordination. Each participant is scored for every tryout only after which will be selected for the final round. Characteristics & Skills and Jumps are two categories under which the tryout Score Sheet is divided. Participant need to score as much as number to be winner. You can get sample cheer leading tryout score sheet available online in normal format.You can also see Sample Bridge Score Sheets.
Arizona Cheer Leading Tryouts

This is a cheer leading tryout score sheet which is divided into three sections, fight song, sideline chants and tumbling. Each of the section has a number subsection on which marks are awarded, and finally they are added to make totals.
Cheer Leading Tryout Score Sheet

In this try out score sheet for cheer leading, a number of rows are made. On the first column the name of the participant is to be entered, followed by entering marks on various sections of their performance, like appearance, motions, etc.
Tryout Score Sheet

In this tryout score sheet, there are marks given from 1 to 5, of which 1 stands for poor, and 5 for excellent. The numbers are given on various sections, such as jumps, dance, showmanship, voice projection among other things.
Sample Tryout Score Sheet

This tryout chart has the serial number of the participants at the side of chart, followed by a space of comments on the participants. There are columns where marks are to be entered based on the performance of the participant.
Basic Tryout Score Sheet

Standard Tryout Cheer Leading Score Sheet

Cheer Leading Tryout Score Sheet DOC

Why Do We Need Cheer Leading Try Out Score Sheets?
In some countries of the world, cheer leading is almost as serious as a task as the game itself. The works of the cheer leaders are to encourage their own team to perform better, and also entertain the audience in the field. Thus a lot of young students try to be in the cheer leading squad of their institutions. However, it is not possible to accommodate everyone interested in the cheer leading squad. This is why try outs are held, where the cheer leading aspirants perform and selected based on their obtained marks in the cheer leader try outs. You can also see Sample Basket Ball Score Sheets.
When Do We Need Cheer Leading Try Out Score Sheets?
The cheer leading tryouts are events in itself in the school or college calendar in many institutions. For selecting the cheer leaders who will cheer a sports team during their matches, try outs are held where the future cheer leaders perform. This performance is judged with the help of the total of the marks they have obtained from judges. In order to calculate the score of each participant in the try outs, score sheets are important. This can help in perfect calculation, and absence of any sort of foul plays in case of selecting the cheer leaders from the try outs.
How To Make Cheer Leading Try Out Score Sheets?
Making cheer leading try out score sheets are not too difficult. There are a number of cheer leading try out score sheet templates available in the internet, each having a special feature. You can download them and follow them while making your own score sheets for the performances. In the score sheet you need to enter the names of the participants, or their corresponding serial numbers, and then enter the marks they have obtained in various sections of cheer leading. In some of the templates you will have to deduct marks for flaws, and the number remaining is the number scored by the participant.You can also see Sample Hockey Score Sheets.
It is important that a proper score sheet is kept for cheer leading try outs, or else it will be difficult to select the best cheer leaders for your time. Meticulously calculated marks will help you select the most deserving candidates. Templates of the score sheets can be helpful in keeping the scores.
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