10+ Argumentative Essay Samples

What methods do you use to persuade your target audience of a notion or topic? Using an essay! You need to learn to arrange and communicate your well-thought-out findings in order to persuade the audience to embrace or at least carefully examine your point of view. The purpose of requiring students to write such essays from an educational standpoint is to assess their knowledge of a topic as well as their critical thinking abilities. Need some help with this? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made samples of Argumentative Essays in PDF and DOC format that you could use for your benefit. Keep on reading to find out more!

1. Argumentative Essay Revision Checklist

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Size: 65 KB


2. Basic Argumentative Essay

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Size: 348 KB


3. Argumentative Essay with Counterclaim and Rebuttal

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Size: 358 KB


4. Sample Argumentative Essay

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Size: 236 KB


5. Argumentative Research Paper Essay

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Size: 206 KB


6. Contents of an Argumentative Essay

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Size: 134 KB


7. Original Student Writing Argumentative Essay

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Size: 857 KB


8. Argumentative Essay Planning Sheet

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Size: 39 KB


9. Cheat Sheet for Argumentative Essay

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Size: 109 KB


10. Argumentative & Persuasive Essay

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Size: 41 KB


11. Editable Argumentative Essay

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Size: 703 KB


What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is one that makes a point and backs it up with evidence and facts. Its goal is to persuade the reader to agree with the point of view presented. Rather than merely the author’s ideas and beliefs, a strong argumentative essay will employ facts and evidence to support the case. The argumentative essay is a type of writing that demands students to research a topic, gather, develop, and analyze evidence, and provide a clear perspective on the issue.

How to Make an Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay’s purpose is to clearly lay forth a point of view, logic, and evidence. An Argumentative Essay Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust essay on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, follow these steps below to guide you:

1. Begin with the introduction and your thesis statement.

The first paragraph of your essay should express your thesis, explain the issue, offer background information needed to comprehend your argument, and outline the evidence you will present. This is the first sentence of your paragraph. It’s a one-sentence synopsis of your primary point and assertion. A solid thesis statement will generally include a claim, your position on the claim, and the primary points that will support your position within the context of your chosen topic. It will also function as a guide for you when you write the essay’s body paragraphs.

2. Gather information and organize your results.

If you’ve ever had writer’s block, it’s most likely due to one of two factors. The first reason is that you’re gazing at a blank screen and don’t know where to begin. Planning is essential for any essay, but it’s especially important for an argumentative essay because you’ll be presenting an argument that you’ll need to back up with evidence.

3. Provide proof and an explanation.

Every assertion you make should be backed up with relevant evidence and an explanation of how that evidence backs you up. This is where you’ll put your research findings from reliable sources.

4. Finish with a strong statement.

The conclusion restates your thesis statement and important points, attempting to persuade the reader that your argument is the most compelling. Include a call to action in your message. Inspire and persuade the reader to agree with your point of view. Tell them what they need to think, feel, or believe going forward.


What distinguishes a good argument?

Arguments must follow a well-defined structure, have reasons, and contain reasons that do not contradict each other or presume the conclusion’s veracity.

In a persuasive essay, can you use first-person POV?

You should constantly maintain your essay’s tone ardent yet impersonal, in addition to presenting solid proof. Don’t employ first-person terminology in your argument, even if you’re writing from a first person point of view.

In a persuasive essay, can you use first-person POV?

You should constantly maintain your essay’s tone ardent yet impersonal, in addition to presenting solid proof. Don’t employ first-person terminology in your argument, even if you’re writing from a first person point of view.

The goal of your essay is to persuade the audience of your claims. It’s critical, therefore, that it is well-written and convincing enough. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive templates of Argumentative Essays today!

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