An essay is a short literary piece on a subject. A person’s first exposure to this kind of literary work would be the five paragraph essays that students are required to work on. These kinds of essays are a highly structured form with the following parts:

  • An introduction that presents the main idea.

  • Three paragraphs for the body where arguments are presented. Each paragraph would contain an idea with evidence that supports the main idea presented in the introduction.

  • A conclusion that restates the main idea and gives a quick summary of the supporting points.

See the Essay Samples we have on site for more guides on essay writing.

Argumentative Essay Sample

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Size: 6 KB


Sample Essay Outline Doc

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Size: 3 KB


Descriptive Essay Sample

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Size: 3 KB


Sample Student Essay in Word

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Size: 7 KB


Persuasive Essay Sample Doc

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Size: 3 KB


Scholarship Application Essay

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Size: 8 KB


Types of Essays

Longer essays like these College Essay Examples are slightly more time-consuming and thought-provoking than a traditional five-paragraph. These essays, sometimes called a thesis or a paper, begin with an introduction of the main idea and proceed with a literature review or a summary analysis of what were previously written about the topic. Listed below are some types of essays:

  • Descriptive Essays

    These essays aim to paint a picture of someone, something, somewhere, or sometime. It gives such vivid description that the reader must be able to imagine what is described.

  • Narrative Essays

    Narrative essays are written in an attempt to tell a story from a subjective view. This is usually written in either a first-person present tense or in a first-person past tense. Although it’s not always chronological, these essays follow the changes the author goes through, through a series of experiences and reflections.

  • Compare and Contrast Essays

    These essays are written to link two or more things, people, or events. Most of the time, authors of these kinds of essays are attempting to point out that shallow similarities or differences are insufficient and that once you look deeply into them, then there you will find a significant, yet unobvious, relationship. Some of these Analysis Essay Examples are an example of this kind of essay.

  • Persuasive Essays

    These are written to try to persuade readers to agree with the opinion of the writer. This is written in a style that needs to grab and keep the attention of the readers until they are convinced that the writer is right. When writing a persuasive essay, there should be strong evidence to support the author’s claim.

  • Argumentative Essays

    Argumentative essays are pieces that address a controversial issue like politics, laws, religion, and ethics. Argumentative essays set out a claim and supports these claims by providing supporting reasons and arguments. Essays like these are written either in support of one stance or in an attempt to destroy another.

Rubric Essay Evaluation

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Size: 10 KB


Sample Personal Essay Doc

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Size: 14 KB


Sample Research Essay Doc

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Size: 12 KB


Reflective Leadership Essay

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Size: 10 KB


Formal Essay Outline in Word

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Size: 4 KB


Writing an Essay

When writing an essay for school, take into account what the teacher requires from you. Knowing the different kinds of essays and the different techniques to write an essay that describes vividly, narrates properly, argues persuasively, or persuades convincingly. See these Descriptive Essay Examples for guidelines on writing a descriptive essay.

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