As a part of their curriculum, students are used to having their writing assignments evaluated and graded by their teachers with the use of various abbreviations and comments in the margins of their student papers to identify their findings on the strengths and weaknesses of the student’s work. However, as a writer, you can also conduct an evaluation or analysis of your own writing process, from developing ideas and revising to editing your drafts.

20+ Self Evaluation Essay Samples

1. Self Evaluation Essay Template

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Size: 60 KB


2. College Student Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 180 KB


3. Sample Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 103 KB


4. Employee Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 25 KB


5. Self Evaluation Speech Essay

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Size: 88 KB


6. Teacher Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 48 KB


7. English Writing Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 83 KB


8. Self Evaluation Essay Paper

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Size: 13 KB


9. Self Evaluation Paragraph Essay

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Size: 42 KB


10. Project Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 37 KB


11. Self Evaluation Assignment Essay

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Size: 85 KB


12. Self Evaluation Comparison Contrast Essay

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Size: 352 KB


13. Class Teacher Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 174 KB


14. Self Assessment Evaluation Essay

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Size: 156 KB


15. Self Reflection Evaluation Essay

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Size: 189 KB


16. Self Evaluation Essay Checklist

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Size: 14 KB


17. Blank Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 363 KB


18. Self Evaluation Presentation Essay

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Size: 128 KB


19. Research Paper Self Evaluation Essay

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Size: 252 KB


20. Self Evaluation Journal Essay

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Size: 249 KB


21. Personal Self Evaluation Essay Statement

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Size: 201 KB


What is a Self-Evaluation Essay?

There are different variations of essay writing that you might have encountered such as narrative essays, argument essays, research paper essays, college essays, and more. One of the essay formats that students are given as an assignment is the self-evaluation essay which is written to highlight the progress of a student and focuses on their strengths and best capabilities or skills.

How to Write a Self-Evaluation Essay

Students are not the only ones who can be given the task to write a self-evaluation essay. Self-evaluation is a process that is performed by employees and professionals from different fields to reflect on their performance in the past year and present their value to the organization they are working for without losing their humility and eagerness to improve themselves.

Step 1: Determine the Purpose of Writing a Self-Evaluation Essay

As an employee, it is an important factor to determine the reason why your team leader or manager is asking you for a self-evaluation. It can be used for an employee performance evaluation or review or to give consideration for raises or bonuses. You also have to know the depth of the evaluation or whether it should include analytics to give you a starting point.

Step 2: List Down your Accomplishments and Struggles

Create an outline or master list of the things you have accomplished for the past year, especially those achievements that brought the most positive impact to your organization or company and help realize their business goals. You can include data analysis and figures to support your claim and solidify the value of your achievements. The essay can also include recognized on-the-job concerns and challenges.

Step 3: Keep the Focus on Yourself and Be Open to Growth Opportunities

Make sure to focus on yourself when writing your self-evaluation essay instead of blaming your colleagues when you were unable to reach your objectives. You can also use this essay to make your case for professional development or growth opportunities.

Step 4: Remind Yourself of the Do’s and Don’ts of Self-Evaluation

When creating your self-evaluation, remember to avoid incorporating feedback you might have received from others, avoid making a list, make sure to prioritize, avoid typographical errors, and do not ask for a second opinion from your friends, family, or coworkers.


What is the importance of self-evaluation in goal setting?

An individual’s self-evaluation can serve as motivation to perform better and more efficiently during a goal-performance task based on their self-knowledge and self-validation.

What are the benefits of self-evaluation?

With self-evaluation, you can get an idea of what you need to do to achieve the best performance and result in your work. Students are given this task to help them discover new details about themselves and use them to improve their performance and eventually achieve their personal goals and career development plans.

What are the tips when writing a self-evaluation essay?

If you are tasked to write a self-evaluation essay, make sure to highlight your accomplishments and milestones, be honest and critical with the challenges you have faced, maintain your eagerness to learn and grow, keep track of your accomplishments, and be professional when writing your self-assessment.

Evaluation of performance is an important method to keep an effective communication roadmap between teams within an organization. Scheduled evaluation gives managers and employees the chance to determine and review past performance and discuss their future expectations. Writing a self-evaluation helps in increasing an individual’s commitment to goal setting, improvement plans, and management for their career.