One of the best and most cost-effective ways to market your products and services is by email marketing. It’s quite simple really, all you need is the right content to direct your clients to your company’s website or provide a valid link to a platform in which you have uploaded your products. After which, you send an email blast to your clients. After all, keeping your clients updated and informed is one way of reminding them about your company and the goods or services you offer. For you to properly communicate with your clients, you need a comprehensive email list and a newsletter as well that you should be able to send out on a scheduled basis. To know more about this, let us discuss this further below. And don’t forget to check out our free email list samples if you need help preparing one.

10+ Email List Samples

1. Email List Growth Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


2. Email Distribution List

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 109 KB


3. Third-Party Email List Rental

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 221 KB


4. Faculty-Staff Email List

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 188 KB


5. Email List Rental Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 108 KB


6. Email Marketing CheckList

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Email List Administration

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 152 KB


8. Application for Direct Mail List & Email Broadcast

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 180 KB


9. Email Blast & Mailing List Order Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 945 KB


10. Email List Authorization

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


11. Non Profit Email List Building Tecniques

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 153 KB


What Is an Email List?

Email or electronic email is one of the most convenient ways to communicate with someone regardless of where they are in the world. To top that, it is easy to use—more like composing a letter and then just with one click of the SEND button you are able to forward mail instantly. Because of such convenience, a lot of companies have included email marketing to promote their business. Composing the right content is important, but you also need an email list so you need to send out your mails in one setting to your clients. An email list is a database of your client’s email details, together with their names and addresses or the city they are located in. Obtaining such information is done when a client signs up for a subscription or becomes a member of your business organization. Usually when they sign up on the website as a member or have manually forwarded their email to you.

How To Create an Email List?

An email list as mentioned is a collection of email addresses used by an organization or an individual to send marketing materials to multiple recipients in one setting. To be able to receive such emails, clients often sign up on the mailing list to get updates. An email list is quite beneficial to businesses as they are able to use this information in their marketing activities and hopefully translate a client’s interest into a potential sale. It takes the right email content, and the perfect timing to catch a client’s attention. Although sending out email blasts does require work, it is quite cost-effective barely costing anything at times, this is why obtaining valid email information is important. To help you create an efficient email list and how to use it here are several tips below.

I. Set Up a Business Marketing Email Account

Make sure you set up an email account dedicated to sending out marketing-related emails. If you want to start small, then there’s Gmail or then you can use MailChimp and this is great when you are just starting out. As you move forward, maybe in the future you would have a handful in your database, then you can try upgrading. And this would mean paying a fee so you are able to use better amenities. It may cost but it’s reasonably cheaper than other marketing activities your company may be engaged in.

II. Create a Pop-up or Opt-in Form in Your Website

Pop-up forms provide online visitors a quick and convenient way to share contact information and subscribe to your list while browsing the website.

III. Marketing Campaigns

If you have a substantial list in your database you may want to start sending out marketing campaigns to your subscribers. But before you do so, make sure to start a newsletter to welcome your subscribers. The more personalized it is, the better. Then you will need to brainstorm and think of different and engaging marketing campaigns in your email blast. And there are several ways to do so, but remember this will depend on what you are selling or aiming to promote. You may want to tell a story or provide a video or offer a discount to first-time users.

IV. Content Plan

Later as your progress, you may need to change your marketing strategies and apply this to the content of our emails. Make sure they stay updated and interested. Plan your content in advance, try to incorporate your strategies with any upcoming events or festivities.

V. Set Up a Schedule

Sending out daily email blasts can be a good and bad thing. The good thing is that your presence is never really forgotten, especially for people who tend to check their emails every day. The downside is that sending out daily emails can sometimes be a bother and you will need to keep trying to provide new content each and every day. So, the best option there is to set up a schedule to send out emails. Some businesses would email every week or every two weeks. So, make sure you are able to plot this out ahead of time so you are able to prepare accordingly.

VI. Monitor

Make sure to monitor your performance, try to find ways to measure if you are able to generate leads with your emails, or perhaps which subjects are most effective and can draw attention. With that, this will provide options to help you improve your performance.


What Is Content Marketing?

This is a form of marketing that is focused on creating appealing and high-quality content to attract customers.

What Are Marketing Campaigns?

These are a set of marketing strategies that are aimed at promoting a specific endeavor or goal on behalf of a company, brand, or individual.

Aside from email marketing, other marketing activities that are used by most companies are using social media, joining trade shows, using print media, advertisement and etc.

A comprehensive email list will provide opportunities for your company to market your products and services. Just make sure you use it well and be creative with your email content to attract more potential clients in the process.