We write the things that we need to do and accomplish in a to-do list template. Writing a to-do list helps one remember what task is left for us to do and what tasks need to be taken cared of first. It is a good way to keep yourself organized and it also allows you to remember things that you might have forgotten.

When going out to buy groceries, we usually bring a grocery list with us. This is because we tend to forget a lot of necessary things to buy even if we just thought about them. These list samples in Excel will definitely be of help.

To Do List Sample in Excel

Daily To Do List

daily to do list

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 15 KB


Work To Do List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 4 KB


To-Do Task List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 64 KB


What Is a List?

A list is a number of related things that are listed one after the other. Lists are used to enumerate almost anything. They range from useful lists, like shopping lists and homework lists, or for entertainment purposes like movies or artist listings. Lists are easy to use and produce because there are no rules and no limits to what you can write on it and on how it will look like. Since listings are also now becoming popular, list templates are made available online.

How to Create a List

Follow the steps provided below to be able to create your own list.

  • Determine what you want to make a list for. It could be a to-do list template, a shopping list, a project list, or a movie list.
  • You can write a draft for your list and have it finalized later once you have decided on what to put.
  • Download and print a list template of your choice, or you can create your own list template.
  • Write your list based on priorities, categories, or however you want them arranged.
  • Separate lists for different things or tasks, especially if they are not related.
  • Make sure to commit to your list.

Contact List Sample in Excel

Customer Contact List

customer contact list

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 17 KB


Contact List for Employee

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 42 KB


Emergency Contact List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 422 KB


Price List

Salon Price List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 6 KB


Beauty Price List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 34 KB


Product Price List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 25 KB


Tips for Creating a List Template

Making a list is fairly easy but making it meaningful, attainable, and sticking to it tough. That is why we have thought of creating a list of tips on how you can make your list template that meaningful.

  • Your list template should be based on the topic you will be listing and what components you want to include in it. From here you can determine the layout or the boxes you want to create.
  • Make a draft before you finalize your list. Do this especially if you are not still sure how to go categorize or prioritize your list. This is so that when you write on your actual template it will be organized and neat.
  • You can make use of blank templates and convert the style or edit them to your liking. Blank templates are available online.
  • You should limit the tasks that you write on your list template to two or three tasks. This makes it attainable.
  • Using different order styles can make your list template look nice.
  • Provide enough space for you to write each task and their description.
  • Use stickers as markers when you have accomplished a task. It makes accomplishing tasks exciting!
  • Lists should be handy so you can make palm-size to-do lists that you can carry anywhere you go.
  • Create separate templates for different listings. This makes your listings organized and easy to look up.
  • You can use different colored papers for your listing templates.
  • You can put boxes before each item on your list that you can shade, mark, or draw on once you have done that item.
  • You can also refer to list sample word and list sample PDF to get more ideas on how you can create your list template. The more references you have, the more ideas you can think of.

Grocery List Samples in Excel

Food Grocery List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 10 KB


Basic Grocery List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 272 KB


Grocery Price List

grocery price list

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 31 KB


Packing List

Shipping Packing List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 73 KB


Travel Packing List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 429 KB


Export Packing List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 5 KB


Importance of List Templates

Using list templates has its advantages, that is why they have become important tools for people who love to make lists. There are reference list templates that you might want to look at.

  • List templates make it easy for one to make listings of any kind due to availability of the templates online.
  • List templates are also easy to make and there are no rules or standards to follow in making and writing on them.
  • Tasks and activities can be organized done successfully with the use of list templates.
  • List templates can be customized according to one’s liking.

Instructions for Writing a List Template

Follow these instructions for you to write a list template. You can also take a look at these contact list templates.

  • Think of the topic you want to make a list about.
  • Make a list of the components that you want to be included in your template. It will help you determine the layout of the list template you will be making.
  • Gather the materials you need for creating your template. You can also have it computerized and printed.
  • Draw or design your list template based on the components you have just written.
  • Once your finished designing your list template, you can write down the list that you intend to write on it.

Action List Samples in Excel

Project Action Sample List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 13 KB


Daily Action List Template

daily action list template

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 19 KB


Attendance List

Monthly Attendance List

monthly attendance list

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 8 KB


List for Meeting Attendance

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 13 KB


Classroom Attendance List

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 397 KB


Benefits of List Templates

  • List templates provide specific information listing that can be used for both informational purposes and entertainment purposes.
  • Using list templates allows people to be aware of their functions and responsibilities within an institution or organization, which you can find in a to-do list sample in word. In turn, this keeps the institution organized and well-managed.
  • The usage of listing templates identifies regulations that are needed to be followed within an organizational structure. These regulations allow uniformity and sets the standards of an organization.
  • Aside from being used as a listing sheet to list tasks, activities, rules, and guidelines, listing templates can also serve as a fact sheets whose contents are about factual stuff.
  • Keeping a list template helps an individual organize their thoughts and plan the things that are ahead of them, and that is the reason why we utilize a sample shopping list.
  • A list template creates or provides the specification of certain processes.

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