Delivery has become a staple in the modern world. It’s much more convenient having bought something somewhere else and have that delivered straight to your door. Much more in the advent of modern and more sophisticated technology. People can just buy anything, anywhere. This is why logistics have become a much more important industry over the past few years. A huge portion of the global population relies on a wide variety of goods to be delivered right at their doorsteps. From food, gadgets, toys, clothes, and even cars. And this ever increasing demand puts a lot of pressure to entrepreneurs and logistics companies because all of these items that need to be delivered, especially the fragile ones, require extra and careful management.

As an executive representative of your own company, or maybe an owner of a logistics company, it is your responsibility to take care of every order that comes through you. Mismanagement of products, especially fragile and valuable items like cars, will lead to a severe disappointment of your customers, ultimately losing much needed revenue and customer loyalty, or worse, could lead to the downfall of your company. This is why it is important to have a checklist for the things that will be delivered.

Most commonly known as a delivery note, or in this case, a car sale delivery note. It makes tracking of the items easier and quicker to review if there are any damages. It may not be compulsory, but most customers appreciate the extra care and gesture. To know more about what the document is, check out these car sale delivery note samples we have listed below. You can use these as a guide or even as a template for when you’ve finally gotten the gist and will start writing your own.

3+ Car Sale Delivery Note Samples

1. Car Sale Undertaking Delivery Note

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 192 KB


2. Car Sale License Delivery Note

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 169 KB


3. Vehicle Sale Delivery Note Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


4. Vehicle Sale Return Delivery Note

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


What Is a Car Sale Delivery Note?

To put it simply, a delivery note is a document that is included in every shipment or delivery made to a customer. It contains the descriptions of all the items and the amount of goods enclosed in the delivery. Something like a checklist, it just lists down everything that is in the delivery and their respective descriptions. It helps with keeping track with all the goods and reviewing whether there are any damages or not.

Most costumers and logistics companies alike appreciate this document because on one hand, it gives the customers an overview of all the products that they have ordered, and on the other hand, suppliers can guarantee that nothing was wrong with the delivery and that the customer was perfectly satisfied, since a signed copy will be sent back to the supplier. Take note that the document lists quantities, not values such as the prices of the items. That information on the invoice which is an entirely different document.

What Information Should Be On a Car Sale Delivery Note

Even if the document is optional, and you mostly have free rein on creating the delivery note since there are no compulsory fields to include. It is still advised to consider using a template like the ones listed above. It should make sure that you don’t miss any important details. These are some recommendations of what components should be included.

  • The contact details of your company
    Company name, address of operations, contact numbers, and the website if you have one. It is advised to include the contact details of the recipient as well.
  • Dates
    Date of when the order was made, date of shipment, and date of delivery. Also keep in mind that you have to follow a proper and uniform dating format.
  • Order number and order name
  • Packing list
    Description and quantity of each item
  • Subsequent deliveries
    Note that only include this section if subsequent deliveries do occur.

That is a pretty basic checklist, and most of the other information that you might need to include entirely depends on the nature of the shipment to be made. For cars sale delivery notes, there may be additional components like the serial numbers and model of each spare parts, some accessories, and car peripherals used.


Where does a delivery note go?

There can be several copies made of a delivery note, most usually two. One for the customer, and one to be signed by the customer and then sent back to the supplier as proof of delivery.

Are delivery notes required?

Nope. There are no laws that state that delivery notes should be included in all shipments. But customers generally appreciate the gesture as it does help with the tracking and reviewing of the order.

Who issues the delivery order?

A delivery order is a document issued by the logistics company, carrier, or shipper, instructing the shipping line and port operator to turn over the cargo to the department responsible of the import activities.

Overall, car sale delivery notes don’t just make sure that the delivery goes smoothly without incurring any damages, it also preserves the reputation and consequently improves your business. It’s a simple gesture to show your  customers that you care about what items you ship and you give importance to preserving the quality of your products and services. Yes it’s not compulsory, but being hands-on with the logistics and your business overall, means well to the growth and trajectory of your business.