Getting sick is an inevitability. After all, nobody has a bullet-proof immune system. When that happens, work is set aside in favor of going to a doctor and making recovery a priority. Yet to make sure that this does not affect your work status too much, you’ll need a doctor’s note for work. For medical professionals reading this, we have some of the highest quality samples you’ll find anywhere. Read on to discover more about this kind of medical certificate and to find the best doctors note example or doctors note for work template.

11+ Doctor’s Note for Work Samples

1. Doctors Note For Work Template

doctors note for work template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US



return to work doctors note template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4 & US


3. Blank Doctor’s Note for Missing Work

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


4. Doctor’s Note for Supporting Need for Accommodation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 145 KB


6. Sample Doctor’s Fit to Work Note

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


7. Sample Doctor’s Note Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


8. Medical Doctor’s Sick Note for Employee

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 76 KB


9. Blank Doctor’s Excuse Slip Note for Work

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 114 KB


10. Sample Doctor’s Note for Ill Employee

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 85 KB


11. Doctor’s Note for Return to Work Sample Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


12. Sample One-Page Doctor’s Note

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 90 KB


The Important Uses of a Doctor’s Note for Work

First and foremost, a doctor’s medical note will serve as proof that a person was sick enough to require time off from work. In the event of emergencies, an urgent care doctors note or a hospital note for work becomes necessary. Taking a break from one’s job is common enough, but employers need to know that they aren’t being lied to. Moreover, there will be times when a medical condition is too severe or even contagious. Part of a printable doctors note’s usefulness is that it allows doctors to communicate when they believe the patient is ready or able to resume working.

How To Write a Doctor’s Note

For medical professionals, it can be easy to just find a sample printable doctor excuse for work to download. However, writing one up yourself is still a highly valuable skill to have. The following simple steps should help with the task:

Step 1: Start With the Names 

The very first thing you ought to do is identify who the patient is by his or her name. In addition to that, you must also add your own, along with your contact details and your signature. By including your number, the patient’s employer has a way of verifying everything and you can be added to the company contact list.

Step 2: Identify the Medical Condition

The next step for you to take will involve listing down what the patient came to you for. It may be as simple as writing down the medical term for the ailment or you can choose to be a bit more descriptive with your informational writing. As long as it is clearly specified, either approach will do.

Step 3: Identify the Duration of the Medical Condition

If your patient has been sick for the past ten days, then be sure to include those exact dates on your sick note. Once that’s done, include your advised date of when he or she can return to the workplace. That way, it will be easier for your patient to handle his or her sick leaves at work.

Step 4: Write Down Your Recommendations

This can be a shortlist of dos and don’ts for the patient. Describe any restrictions in activities or diet, as well as any medical prescription that you believe can help the patient with his or her recovery.


Is it okay for a patient to use a fake doctor’s note for work?

No. It is an illegal act and is specifically considered an act of forgery. Besides that, it is ethically wrong to try and deceive your project manager.

Is it possible to get a doctor’s note if you suffer from anxiety?

Yes, but you will have to acquire the note after a consultation with your GP. This is the same for any other mental health problem.

How long can you be absent from work without needing to get a doctor’s note?

This will depend on the individual policies of companies, but most do not require a doctor’s note until an employee has been gone for more than seven days.

Nobody begrudges anybody for getting sick, but absences from work can prove quite inconvenient for everybody else. Having a doctor’s note for work may not bring back lost time, but it does verify one’s illness and gives the sick person the go-ahead to return to work once he or she is better. Whether it is made from scratch or through downloaded samples like a printable doctors note free or a blank printable doctor note PDF version, those reading this can now make use of it to their advantage. Act now and get a note today!

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