When you were a student in grade school, perhaps the most memorable part of learning was not inside the classroom but outside during field trips. While you were engrossed on the sights during an educational tour, your teacher may have actually asked you to take down notes to record some important aspect of the field trip. Those aren’t random notes you’re making but those are actually called field notes.
Our website offers a lot of templates and samples that users may find helpful for different uses such as Sample Thank You Notes. These samples are all free to download and with minor editing or modification, can be used for their intended purposes.
Sample Forest Field Note
Field Note Template Example
Climate Field Note in PDF
Field Note Format
Field Note in PDF
Field notes and observation have a lot in common in that both are methods used in collecting data either by watching people do in the field of social science, or in observing insects, creatures, and living things such as in the study of biology. Field notes are recordings of what was observed and researchers need keen powers of observation and lots of time and patience to structure and write down what is being observed.
Field notes are not only used by students but by several professions that need recorded observations for their case studies. These notes are for qualitative research whose data and results are not just recorded on a quantitative basis but also by qualitative basis. Field notes are necessary where keen observation skills are needed to record instances visually and recorded in writing before these can be collated into collective data in a computer system.
Field notes can be used in most fields of discipline where hard, raw data needs to be collected such as the fields of geography, archaeology, social sciences, and the scientific fields of biology and marine biology. In sociology, ethnography may be employed to write down accurate data in a field note by actually living with an indigenous group’s community, sometimes for long periods of time to study the people and their unique cultures. This was mostly evident during the study of Amazonian tribes in Brazil where a couple of previously undiscovered tribes were the subjects of intense studies during the 60s up to as recently as the present time.
For other note examples, please check on our website’s Doctors Note Samples that may come useful for physicians, general practitioners, and health-care providers. We also have Progress Note Samples that have several examples with different setups that users may be familiar with. These are all free for downloading in both Word Doc and PDF files.
Field Note on Accountability
Geographical Field Note
Engineering Field Note
Course Field Note
To be thoroughly effective, a field note must contain the dates, time, and place of observation. On the main body of your field note, specific facts, numbers, and details of the site should be written down based on your objective observation. Field notes are not expected to be comprehensive writings as these can be done later when completing your work, but should be in a form of jottings, brief words and phrases that should be structured later on for a more complete and detailed report.
For even more examples of different kinds of notes, please check more on our website or click on the link for Promissory Note Samples. These examples can be used for writing down promises of payment for certain debts that users may have incurred and need to know specific details to draft their own promissory notes.