In the office, we work in teams, and our team captains are our bosses. We often motivate each other to perform better and to hit targets every day, that we sometimes forget that our bosses need the morale boost too. We can do so by writing them thank-you notes or letters like this Sample Thank You Note. It is a simple, kind gesture of expressing our appreciation of our bosses and their leadership; our way of letting them now that they are doing a good job as our captains.

In the office in which business and formal letters are exchanged, do not hesitate or be embarrassed to send out a sentimental thank-you note like the samples on this post.

Thank You Farewell Letter to Boss

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Thank You Note to Boss for Bonus Example

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Thank You Note to Boss for Promotion

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In the United States, October 16 is observed as National Boss Day, a celebration introduced in the year 1958. Its progenitor, Patricia Bays Haroski, hoped that the celebration would help maintain and improve good relations between employers and employees.

This pursuit, however, could be observed year-long. If you believe that your boss is doing a good job with you and your fellow employees, then let him or her know with a thank-you note. You do not have to wait for October 16 to express your appreciation for their work and their leadership.

Why Thank-You Notes Are Written to Bosses

Employees may write a thank-you note in gratitude for

  • a promotion or raise recommended and given by bosses;
  • the bosses’ support, words or encouragement, and constant guidance for the work that they have to do; or
  • the teams’ recent achievements, which would not have been realized without the bosses’ stewardship.

Some of these samples also show thank-you notes written to bosses for the duration of employees’ stay, in which employees who are about to resign thank their bosses for the opportunity of working under their supervision, and the skills and experiences they have thus gained from his or her leadership. Doing so is a good way to leave in good graces, and to remain in good contact with bosses.

Thank-you notes are also sent to bosses by non-employees or potential employees following an interview. This demonstrates a job seeker’s good conduct and character to bosses, which could help boost their application. Like in these Thank You Note Interview Samples, applicants thank them for their time and for considering them for the position.

Thank You Note to Boss for Support

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Resignation Thank You Letter to Boss

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Writing Thank-You Notes to Bosses

There are no strict rules or guidelines to follow, for as long as you are able to deliver the thought. Send it through an e-mail, or leave it on your bosses’ desks. To guide your writing, take reference from these samples.

Writing Thank-You Notes in the Office

Thank-you notes may also be written for other colleagues for their support or recommendation, among others. Office thank-you letters are usually written in the manner of these Professional Thank You Note Samples.

Whoever it is for, a thank-you note is always a good way to improve rapport and good relations in the office.

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