Getting to the bottom of the issue and understanding the root cause of the conflict is what a resolution agreement is best at. Unlike a settlement agreement, it talks about the origins of the issue before providing any solutions and compensation to both parties involved. Discussing the problem and not only compensating it can one truly resolve the conflict and put the past behind.
Sample Resolution Agreement
Evaluating the source of the conflict can help you gain more in-depth insight into the situation. Listening to the opposing side will also help you get a clearer picture of their perspective. By then, you can decide whether you prefer to settle things or resolve things with them. And if you chose to resolve the matter, a written agreement on your resolution will be beneficial to record your negotiation.
If you need guidance in making one from scratch, feel free to read through the article and take a look at these sample documents on resolution agreement.
1. Sample Resolution Agreement

The HIPPA privacy rule is a national standard that protects an individual’s medical records and other personal health information in any healthcare and medical institutions. Any unauthorized disclosure of a patient’s medical data is a violation of the health information privacy act and can lead to lawsuits. In case complaints rise in regards to the HIPPA privacy rule, the HHS is ready to take action on the issue. This sample resolution agreement contains detailed information in investigation and resolution on the violation of the HIPPA privacy rule.
2. Sample of a Signed Resolution Agreement

Sexual harassment is one of the factors affecting a student’s ability to learn, study, work, or participate in school activities. According to statistics, 8 out of 10 students experienced sexual harassment in schools. To eliminate the increasing number of sexual harassment in the school grounds for the welfare of the students, the school has provided policies and procedures regarding the matter. This sample resolution agreement contains specifications on the policies and procedures in case sexual harassment occurs on the school grounds.
3. Sample Dispute Resolution Agreement

Disputes can happen at any time and anywhere with anybody. But when that dispute levels up, that would be a different story. It can happen at your workplace, at school, in the neighborhood, and even at your house. And the reasons for this dispute are contract errors, conflict of interest, and poor communication. But, who says disputes can’t be solved? Discuss everything with the opposing party and resolve every part of the dispute. Once you have, finalize everything by signing a dispute resolution agreement.
4. Sample Conflict Resolution Agreement

Compared to a dispute, conflicts are more complicated because they require further analysis before an action or a solution can be done. During a conflict, the issue tends to branch out to even more conflicts that are connected with one another. And the only way to solve it is to get to the bottom of the disagreement. This sample conflict resolution agreement can help you solve the issue at hand. Depending on the situation, you can resolve the issue by agreeing to do something about it or none at all.
5. Sample Voluntary Resolution Agreement

Having disabilities is not a hindrance for an individual to excel. At the same time, they should not be deprived of the rights to information and education. As an educational institution, you should take all the necessary actions to ensure every individual with disabilities has equal rights and opportunities to participate in any school-related activities. This sample voluntary resolution agreement is your key to resolve the issue and to demonstrate nondiscrimination to people with disabilities, allowing them to develop and grow as an individual.
6. Sample Alternative Dispute Resolution Agreement

In meditating and arbitrating a dispute against two conflicting parties, an alternative dispute resolution is the best option to solve the situation outside the courtroom. Allowing the two parties to negotiate on ways to resolve the dispute will enable them to set things clear between them. In the process, the mediator evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the positions. Then they shall asses the cost of alternatives and the barriers of the settlement.
7. Sample Neutral Conflict Resolution Agreement

Conflict commonly sparks when there is poor management on the system, a clash of personalities, and unclear job roles at work. Conflicts like these can be resolved when appropriately negotiated with the guidance of a neutral party that will serve as a mediator between the two conflicting parties. This sample neutral conflict resolution agreement contains details in allowing all parties to make a reasonable effort to resolve the issue at hand in the most civil way possible.
8. Sample Limited Partnership Resolution Agreement
Being in a limited partnership is like having silent partners because they can make investments to your company but do not have any voting power or control in your day-to-day operations. Which means their liability to your company is also limited to the total amount of investment they put to it. If you wish to proceed with this kind of partnership, this sample resolution agreement best fits your decision.
9. Sample Directors Resolution Agreement
A director functions to lead and supervise a particular area in the company. They are the ones who determine and implement policies in the company, call meetings, and maintain records of the company. Although they are considered to be the lowest executive in the company, their closely equivalent to a vice president or a senior director. During meetings, directors may come across with another director and start to make decisions and plans for the company. Once this happens, a director resolution agreement is needed to finalize the transaction.
10. Sample Corporate Resolution Agreement

11. Resolution Agreement in MS Word
A corporate resolution is a corporate action done when a member of the board is voted in during the meeting, hire employees, or when big decisions are made. Since these decisions are crucial to the development of the group, it is best to request the full consent of the entire corporation. Once the discussion is over and everyone approves of the decisions, everyone involved must sign a resolution agreement as a record of the transaction.
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