Sometimes, you really need to be involved in a group in order to make work faster or to achieve something. This could either be for a group report or a big business project. The difficult part of working in a group is the differences in schedules and the proper allocation or distribution of tasks. If this is so, then how are a lot of people working in groups able to cope and go through it successfully? It is because of proper time management and with the use of a group scheduler.

  • Schedule Templates
  • Printable Schedule Templates

If you need help with managing not only your time but also other people’s time, then you might want to consider a group schedule. If a personal schedule works for individuals, then a group schedule should work for a team of different people too. Different schedule samples are provided to further your understanding of this very useful tool. Feel free to check them out below!

School Group Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 170 KB


Focus Group Schedule Sample

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Sample Group Workshop Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


Group Activity Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


What Is a Group Schedule?

There are occasions or events where we need to work in a group to get things done. Say for example a group of wedding coordinates working together with the wedding planner to see to it that the wedding event is successful. Groups are often created in school when there are group projects or if the teacher needs to put students in groups to assign them to cleaning duties. Working in groups is necessary if a task or activity cannot be done by one person alone. But being in a group may seem chaotic and out of control. Just think of different people with different personalities and different working styles put together to do something. It smells like trouble to me. And what with their different schedules? It just makes things even worse. So here comes a group schedule to the rescue.

A group schedule is a document that helps in the proper allocation of tasks that a group needs to do. With the help of this document, every member of the group is assigned a task that they all need to fulfill. The tasks are equally divided among all the members. A group schedule also allows all the members to keep track of the activities and progress of the other members, which makes it easy to tell who did not do their part of the group work. You may also see samples of work schedule templates

Benefits of Using a Schedule

Below are some of the benefits of a schedule that you need to know to help you further understand it and encourage you to use it.

1. A schedule helps in keeping track of important dates and activities, especially those that need to be done before a deadline.

2. Tasks can easily be prioritized with the use of schedules making sure that important ones are done first and the least important ones are done last.

3. A schedule works best when used to manage your time. Seeing what you have ahead of you helps you decide how you can manage your time and what you can do to make the most out of your time.

4. With the use of a schedule, no task or activity is ever overlooked or left behind.

5. You can easily set new appointments on your schedule without having to overlap it with an existing appointment or cancel an existing appointment. An appointment schedule will help you in this.

6. Schedules make it possible for you to recall your tasks without spending so much time mentally recalling it.

7. You can avoid doing the same tasks twice.

8. You can keep your day-to-day activities organized by writing them down on your schedule in the order that you prefer. You can check out some printable schedules that we have available to make things easier and convenient for you.

9. Schedules help prevent the possibility of overbooking, like in airplanes, trains, restaurants, and hotel room reservations.

10. Setting a schedule for yourself allows you to arrive at school or to a meeting on time. Being on time is very important, not only because it helps you give a good impression to your teacher or employer but because it is good manners to not let people wait for you.

11. You can use a schedule sample or a schedule template of your choice to help you make your own or you can use it as your own.

12. With a schedule, you can view all of your appointments and activities in a single spread. You don’t have to flip to the next page to see other schedules you might have.

You might also be interested in other schedule-related topics we are offering on our website, like home maintenance samples, employee shift schedule samples and templates, and interview schedule samples and templates.

Women’s Group Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Group Fitness Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


2-Day Group Retreat Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 KB


English School Group Activity Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 396 KB


Product Group Schedule Sample

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 9 KB


Clinical Group Schedule Sample

File Format
  • PDF
  • Size: 61 KB


How to Make Your Own Schedule Template

Here we will provide you with easy to follow steps on how you can go about making your very own schedule template. It’s not that hard to do. All you need is the will to do it, some useful ideas, and a little creativity and you should be able to come up with a schedule template of your own.

1. Determine the purpose of your schedule or where you are planning to use it for. There are different kinds of schedule templates that you can choose from, so it shouldn’t be that difficult. It is best, though, that you create a schedule template that can be used for anything.

2. List down your goals and objectives on what you want to achieve by using a schedule template.

3. Make a draft or an outline of the what you want your schedule template to look like. This will also serve as your plan for the template you will be making.

4. Also, make a list of the schedules or appointments that you have already determined or that are already fixed. This way you won’t forget about them and so that you can avoid scheduling anything on those fixed schedules.

5. How would you like to make your schedule template? You can make a schedule template in three different formats, namely Word, Excel, and PDF. Which one do you prefer making or which is the easiest to do? Decide on these criteria before moving on.

6. Once you have made your decision, prepare the necessary materials or equipment that you need in making the schedule template.

7. Transfer your draft including the list of your predetermined schedule to the actual sheet of your schedule template. Carefully check if you have forgotten to add anything to it.

8. If you need to add or remove anything, do it before finalizing your work.

9. Look at your schedule again and try to remember what other things you might be missing.

10. Do the final touches, and once you are satisfied with your work, proceed with saving the file to your desired location and file name.

You can use existing schedule samples and templates as your reference or guide while you are making your own schedule template. They will give you more ideas and useful things that you can put on your schedule to make it even more effective. To name a few are toddler schedule samples, audit schedule samples and templates, and holiday schedule samples and templates.

Dos and Don’ts in Making a Schedule Template

Part of what makes you successful with using a schedule template and making your day-to-day schedule is contributed by how your template is made or what it looks like. It is because what we see motivates us to do something. Here some dos and don’ts about making a schedule template that you need to know.

1. Do make your template neat and clean. You will most likely want to check or consult your schedule if it looks presentable. A schedule contains a list of task or activities that you need to attend to and that alone will make you not want to check it. If it is not organized and scribbled everywhere, you wouldn’t even bother thinking about. But if it’s neat and the contents can easily be read and understood, then you would be motivated to look at it.

2. Do write as clearly as possible. There is just no point in writing on your schedule if you can’t even read it in the first place. Makes no sense to me.

3. Do plot your schedule ahead of time. If you plot your schedule on the day you will be using it, you may not be able to have everything you need to be written on it. Worse, you may forget putting in important dates and appointments.

4. Do write your predetermined schedules and appointments first. This way you will be able to see what you already have booked for the coming days and avoid overlapping new schedules with it. You can choose the other available dates for new tasks or appointments.

5. Don’t use a schedule template that is not appropriate for your needs because it will only confuse you.

6. Don’t use too many abbreviations when writing instructions or details on your schedule template. You might be wasting time figuring out what it is instead of spending that time actually doing something.

7. Don’t let anyone write on it for you. There is a big possibility that you will have no memories of this entry because you didn’t write it down. If you are not aware of it, you probably won’t be able to notice it even if it is actually written on your schedule.

Other schedule samples and templates are available on our website for free download. They are vehicle maintenance schedule samples, office maintenance schedule samples and templates, and student schedule samples, to name a few.