Cleaning a home is not easy, especially if you live in a huge place with no house helper to assist you with the task. In fact, most people nowadays do not have the energy to clean their place due to exhaustion from work and stresses in everyday life. Housewives have to postpone the task due to the fact that there are children that they should be attending to. However, if you have a to-do list or a daily schedule for cleaning, you can perform the tasks easier and quickly especially if you are committed to finishing them early. In this article, we will help you create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule for household cleaning that you can use over time. 

10+ House Cleaning Schedule

1. House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


2. House Cleaning Rules And Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


3. Bath House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


4. House Cleaning Schedule Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


5. Household Deep Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 73 KB


6. Sample House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 155 KB


7. Weekly House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 143 KB


8. Daily House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


9. Basic House Cleaning Schedule

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Size: 187 KB


10. Standard House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 340 KB


11. Suggestions For House Cleaning Schedule

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  • PDF

Size: 645 KB


What Is a House Cleaning Schedule?

A house cleaning schedule is a detailed task checklist that summarizes your home cleaning tasks for the day, week, or month. The house cleaning schedule can be used for spring cleaning, deep cleaning, home transfer, property maintenance, property sale, and so forth. Having a household cleaning schedule works well, especially for those who are not fond of cleaning, those who are busy and want to get the task done immediately, and those who work in cleaning services companies. 

How to Make a House Cleaning Schedule?

For the house cleaning schedule to be effective, it must follow the S.M.A.R.T rules (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely). The very purpose of the schedule is to help you create a routine that works for you and your family. Here are some tips that you can use in the process of making your own schedule. 

1. Do Not Do All Things At Once

One of the reasons why people do not have the determination and drive to clean their homes is that they get overwhelmed by so many tasks. When you make your schedule, it is best to be realistic about what you can accomplish. If you do not have the time to do your laundry on a Tuesday afternoon, then you can schedule it for a time when you are available. The secret is to do the tasks gradually until it becomes a habit. 

2. Do Not Delay the Most Heavy Tasks

When you clean your home, there’s bound to be a hard task that you will eventually encounter as you progress in your routine. If it is a hard task, some individuals would give up immediately since it can be considered a waste of time. However, it is always the best course of action to perform the heavy cleaning tasks immediately rather than put them up for later. It is suggested that you schedule the heavy cleaning tasks whenever you do not have other things to do such as work or if the kids are in school. 

3. Always Check Your Schedule

In order for you to not forget your cleaning schedule, always make it a habit to check them. This is also a way for you to check whether there are tasks that you have missed, need to be rescheduled, or have to be repeated. It is also a way for you to practice accountability in performing your tasks with minimal supervision. 

4. Make Your Schedule Flexible

There are times when you can’t really commit to doing your cleaning task on some days due to reasons like attending an event program, emergency, school activity, company meetings, sickness, business travel, family gatherings, vacation, and many others. While it is good to commit to your schedule, it would not hurt once in a while to take a day off from your routine. Make sure though that when you come back, you are prepared to do your tasks immediately to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Should I make a house cleaning schedule for hired cleaners?

Most cleaning companies would tell you that they already have a schedule made for their employees in case you would need them to perform home cleaning for you. However, if you are hiring a freelance cleaner with no checklist of their own, you can help them perform the job efficiently with your own house cleaning schedule.

How many hours should I clean my home?

If you are the type of person to clean your house all the time, 15-45 minutes should be enough for you to tidy up your home. But if you are a hoarder with loads of junk items and messy rooms, even one day wouldn’t be enough time to clean all the dust and dirt away.

What should my house cleaning schedule include?

Your house cleaning schedule or journal should include the 7 days of the week (Monday-Sunday), your to-do list, hours or duration of a specific task per day, and the names of the cleaners (if you are not cleaning alone).

Become proficient in the art of housekeeping and home cleaning with an effective and well-crafted schedule that will surely become a great help to your routine. To create a cleaning schedule, you can start by selecting a template from our gallery. 


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