We need to take note of our daily job schedules so that we can show up at work on time and do the things expected of us. Job schedules are widely used in a number of industries all over the world. The schedule helps employers assign the number of employees to work for a given date and task. It also helps employees determine the time and date they are expected to be at work.

We have a variety of job schedule samples and templates in this article that you can either view or download. These samples and templates can be used as reference for studying and making one’s own job schedule. Together with these samples and templates are useful information that you surely need to know about job schedules. Check them out below!

Printable Job Schedule Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 264 KB


Job Interview Schedule

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Employee Work Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


Job Training Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Weekly Job Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


Construction Job Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


Daily Work Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 KB


Importance of a Job Schedule

In order to get a company organized and have its workforce managed properly, it is important that they use a job schedule template. The following are the reasons why it is important.

  • Proper job scheduling helps in making sure that all the important tasks that an employee needs to do in a company or business are done or finished at appropriate times.
  • Through a job schedule, managers and employers are able to create an organized work order or work flow that can help in a company’s or business’s productivity.
  • Job schedules help employees or workers know when they are supposed to work or when they are expected to work. This includes the dates when they need to report to work and the time of their shift schedule.
  • The job schedule indicates the names of the employees on duty during a particular shift, which helps them identify who among the employees did a great job or who among them made mistakes. This way they can notify them and advise them on the best thing to do so as no to commit the same mistakes.
  • Employers and managers are also able to identify who among their employees are good in work and who aren’t by checking the productivity of the business or company on specific dates and times, and by checking which employees were present. With this, they can pair performing employees with bottom employees to balance the workload for every team and so that bottom employees can also learn from the performers.
  • Work can also be scheduled in advance with the use of a job schedule, which helps in the proper allocation of work for the future.
  •  A job schedule can also be revised if the need arises. Flexibility in job scheduling is a must so that employee requests and emergencies will not affect the productivity of the company or business. Also, it is best to consult or ask employees about their preferred time of work to avoid attendance and adherence issues. This is because there are employees who might not want to work on weekends and there are employees who prefer to work on weekends.
  • A job schedule not only helps in promoting productivity, but it helps in promoting work efficiency.
  • Since a job schedule is a timeline of the work that employees need to take on within a particular schedule, it guides employees on the specific tasks that they need to get done.

More schedule samples and templates in different formats are available for free download on our website. To name a few are construction schedule templates, travel schedule samples and templates, and interview schedule templates.

What Are the Different Types of Work Schedules?

There are five types of work schedules that we are currently using right now. They are fixed work schedules, flexible work schedule, full time work schedule, part time work schedule, and rotating work schedule. What type of work schedule are you following right now? If you do not know yet, check out their description below.

Fixed Work Schedule

If you work on a fixed work schedule, it means that you work on the same days per week, the same number of hours, and the same time per day. This schedule becomes effective once an employer and employee agrees to have this kind of job schedule set up. A common example of a fixed work schedule would be Mondays to Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Flexible Work Schedule

When you say flexible work schedule, it means that you can come to work and leave at any time of day that they want. It is often called a flexi schedule by some. Of course, even if an employee is allowed to come in to work anytime they want, they still need to commit to the 8–9 work hours that their employees require from them. More so, they also need to submit their productivity report at the end of the day.

Full Time Work Schedule

Working full time means working a total of 40 hours per week. Full time work schedules can either be a fixed work schedule or a flexible schedule provided that the an employee’s work hours total to 40 per week. This is also the type of work that entitles employees to work benefits, such as vacation leaves, sick leaves, health insurance, and many more.

Part Time Work Schedule

The total number of hours worked in part time work schedules does not exceed the 40 hours per week requirement in full time work schedules. Employees who are working part-time are not provided with the same benefits that full-time employees have. The good thing about this work schedule is that it is flexible and allows the employee to spend time on their responsibilities that are not work-related.

Rotating Work Schedule

A rotating work schedule is contrary to the fixed work schedule that we are so accustomed with. In this kind of work schedule, an employee’s work hours change either depending on the shifting needs of the company or business. This is done so that there would be equal shift distribution among all the employees. This way all employees can experience the best work hours and the undesirable work hours as well.

Which work schedule do you prefer the most? To know more about schedule, you may check out our website anytime. We have weekly work schedule templates, volunteer schedule samples and templates, and weekly chore schedule samples and templates.

Daily Job Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


Monthly Job Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Employee Job Schedule

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB


Blank Work Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


Alternative Job Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


Annual Work Schedule

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 124 KB


How to Use a Job Schedule Sample or Template as Your Own?

You see a lot of job schedule samples and templates online but they don’t really make sense to you because you still need to make one from scratch. Well, that is where you got it all wrong. Job schedule templates and even samples are pretty easy to use. All you need is the appropriate tools to do so and follow the steps below.

  • Look for a job schedule template or sample online that you think is the best one to use for your needs or the type of job schedule that you or your company follows. Because there are a lot of existing job schedule templates out there, choosing one that looks almost exactly as what you need will make it easier for you to modify and use it.
  • Download the file and open. The files that are easy to modify are the ones that are in Word, Excel, and PDF. Before downloading the template, also make sure that you installed on your computer or laptop the application that supports it.
  • When you have the file opened, check the things that you want to change, remove, or replace from it. To do so, you can simply highlight the word or words that you need to work on, and then press the Backspace button on your keyboard. It will delete everything that you have highlighted.
  • Continue to add and replace the details that you need for your job schedule template until you are satisfied with it.
  • Once you are done making the changes and revisions to the document, save your work. To do that, click on the File menu that is usually at the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Select the Save option that will appear in the drop-down menu.
  • Do the same or use the same steps to be able make further changes to the template or sample.

So the next time that you see a job schedule template or sample that you think fits your needs, you now know how to turn it into somethings as your own. To find more schedule-related topics, feel free to visit our website. Some examples that you can find there are office schedule samples and templates, staff schedule templates, and weekly task schedule samples and templates.

What Is Meant by Alternative Work Schedule?

An alternative work schedule, also known as variable work hours, is a style of work schedule that allows employees maximum control over the time and date when they will work. It is an alternative to fixed work schedules where employees must only work on the schedule provided by the company or their employer. It consists of three strategies, namely compressed work week, flexible work schedule, and staggered shifts. In a compressed work week strategy, employees are allowed to work more than eight hours per day and that meas that they only need to report to work for lesser number of days per week. In staggered shifts, employees are allowed to arrive at work and depart from work in 15 minutes to two hours interval. Flextime has already been explained above.

Some employees and employers find alternative work schedules favorable as it provides them with the following benefits:

  • Employees are able to get more rest and less stress.
  • Both employees and employers have more time to for themselves and other more important things.
  • It reduces the possibility of congestion in parking lots.
  • Provides a solution to daily commute problems of employees.
  • Reduces time it takes to commute to work.

Check out more schedule samples and templates on our website like employee work schedule templates, homework schedule samples and templates, and printable schedule template.