Every employee is entitled to a particular number of leaves per year, which they can use at any time within the said year. There are also companies who request their employees to schedule their leaves every three months so that their leave credits wont pile up leading to a very long vacation. Aside from office schedules and employee shift schedules, leave schedules are also one of those that every company needs to keep an eye on. Not because they need to pay employees who are on leave, but because it may disrupt the productivity of the company or business at some degree.
- Free Schedule Samples & Templates
- Schedule Samples & Templates
Planning for what to do in case a certain number of employees go on leave at the same time is important and is crucial in a business. Having a leave schedule prepared will help determine if their leave requests can still be allowed or not. You can view or download any leave schedule template in this article for your personal needs. You can check them out below.
Sample Annual Leave Schedule Template
Leave Schedule Planner
Annual Leave Template
Leave Schedule Tracking
Maternity Leave Schedule Planning Template
Leave Schedule Record
Uses of a Leave Schedule Template
A leave schedule template has a variety of uses. We rely on leave schedules to be able to allocate just the right number of heads allowed to be away from work for a particular time. If you don’t know of the uses of a leave schedule yet, then you might want to check out the list that we have provided below. You may also see appointment scheduling samples.
1. You can use a leave schedule template to properly allocate the number of leaves that a company or business can allow within a specific time frame, or based on the company’s needs.
2. Leave schedule templates are used to record and keep track of employee leave requests that have been approved and declined for various reasons.
3. With the use of a leave schedule template, every employee in the company is able to have equal chances of using their paid leaves whenever they want to.
4. Some companies provide a personal leave schedule template to all of their employees, which is the tool that they use to request for a leave instead of using the usual leave authorization form.
5. It is important that information and data related to scheduling be organized so that it would be easy to track employee schedules and all other schedules that the company or business manages. This can only be done with the use of a schedule template.
6. Schedule templates can be used in different online drives or applications and can be accessed anywhere where there is Internet connection and supported applications. This is very suitable for use by supervisors or managers who are always on the go so that they can keep track of their employee’s requests.
Knowing what something is used for gives you an advantage as this will allow you to use the tool properly and effectively. It’s not just leave schedules that are useful, all other types of schedule templates are also useful for the specific purpose they are intended for. Examples are staff schedule templates and employee work schedule templates.
The Importance of a Good Schedule
A company or business that has a well-planned and well-established schedule is a company that is productive and successful. These are characteristics of a good schedule. Scheduling in a company is crucial to its growth and productivity. A single mistake may cause chaos throughout the organization and may cause it to fall apart. A good schedule is important in lot of ways, that is why its creation down to its implementation should not be overlooked. The following are the importance of a good schedule that every company or business needs to know. You may also like game schedule samples.
1. A good schedule is important because it helps a company or business reach its potentials and make remarkable progress in the long run.
2. A good schedule is one that is able to make employees arrive to work on time when they are expected and leave work as scheduled. You may also check out weekend scheduled samples.
3. A good schedule motivates employees to work harder and motivates them to become more productive in everything that they do. Employee empowerment plays an important role in the success of business.
4. A good schedule guides employees to do the right tasks at the right time that way they can accomplish them without ever going beyond deadlines or asking for extensions. You might be interested in class schedule samples.
5. A good schedule ensures that work is properly allocated to every employee.
6. A good schedule balances the number of employees need to complete certain tasks and the number of employees allowed to go on leave or vacation.
7. A good schedule is one that allows the business and its employees to deliver quality service to their clients or customers. You may also see university schedule samples.
8. A good schedule helps a business save money and avoid any unwanted worst case scenarios brought about by bad scheduling.
To be able to make a good schedule, one must be focused and put all of their attention to its details. Of course, this is not something that can be done overnight. Schedules need to be tried first and revised before becoming one that is effective and reliable. If you are looking for good schedule samples and templates, then you can check them out on our website. To name a few are job schedule samples and templates, appointment schedule samples and templates, and weekly task schedule samples and templates.
Tips for Preventing Employee Vacation Scheduling Nightmares
If your leave scheduling goes wrong, there will be more than just trouble ahead of that. A lot of factors are affected by committing mistakes in leave schedules and those who will be greatly affected are the employees. This is followed by a whole lot of problems from then on. So to avoid these horrors from happening, here are some tips that will surely help you. You may also see sample class schedules.
1. Have a clear and concise leave request policy. Makes sure that all of the employees are able to read and understand the policy so that they can appropriately file for one whenever they need to. Talk about this during orientation and hold meetings to review such policy.
2. Talk to your employees about the procedure for filing a leave. You may hold a meeting to specifically discuss about this matter. Talk about leave-related stuff that can help improve the company’s policies and procedures, and at the same time make it convenient for your employees to file for a leave. You may also like event schedule templates.
3. Strictly implement a “first come, first serve” basis as a criteria for leave approval. This way it will be easy for you to decide which leave applications to decline and which to approve without being biased. Employees will also find this style favorable.
4. Provide a reason when all leave applications will be denied. These reasons could either be to beat a certain deadline or due to business demands that need to be attended to.
5. Find the appropriate replacement or substitute for very employee who goes on leave or vacation before they actually go on leave. Ask other employees if they wish to cover for the said dates. This way the company’s productivity will not be affected. You may also check out sample production schedule templates.
6. Be prepared for any absences and always have a plan ready for worst-case scenarios. Things will always happen whenever you least expect them. Having a couple of employees away on vacation is already tough, but having additional heads on emergency leave or sick leave is chaos. If you don’t have a plan, you will really get yourself in a lot of trouble. You might be interested in sample shooting schedules.
7. Provide a limit as to how many employees are allowed to take a leave per team. Doing so will prevent one person from doing all the tasks that was left behind by another.
8. Award employees who prefer to work during peak vacation periods. Take advantage of those employees who have not planned for any vacation during popular vacation times. You can motivate them to work instead of spending their leave at home resting by offering them attractive incentives or bonuses. You may also see printable daily schedule templates.
9. Allow employees to swap schedules with other employees with the same position. This is convenient for employees who do not wish to use their leaves credits and for those who have already used them up but need to go on leave due to an emergency. This way you won’t have to look for someone to do a cover-up or make adjustments in the schedule.
By simply following these tips, you will not only avoid leave scheduling nightmares, you are also able to motivate your employees to work harder and become even more productive. Other related topics you may be interested in are assignment schedule samples and templates, volunteer schedule samples and templates, and weekly chore schedule samples and templates.
Staff Leave Schedule Record
Vacation Leave Schedule Template
Editable Leave Schedule Planner Template
Staff Holiday Vacation Schedule Calendar
Annual Leave Record Card
Why Do Employees Go on Leave?
A couple of reasons exist why employees tend to go on leave. These reasons could either be for leisure purposes, for health purposes, or for emergency purposes.
1. Vacation Leave
Employees are entitled to a certain number of paid vacation leaves within a year. Going away from work and spending a vacation somewhere helps employees relax and be stress-free. It helps them become energized and feel refreshed so that they can be once again effective and productive with work. You may also see rotation schedule templates to download.
2. Sick Leave
Employees also go on leave if they get sick. It could be a fever, cough or colds, or other more serious conditions. A specific number of sick leaves are allowed per employee provided they they present a valid medical certificate and a fit to work certificate upon reporting back to work.
3. Maternity Leave
Only female employees who are about to give birth or have just given birth can take advantage of this leave. Among all the other leaves provided to employees, this one is the longest which can last up to two months. Just like all other leaves, a maternity leave needs to be applied and approved. You may also like sample monthly schedule templates to download.
4. Paternity Leave
This is the counterpart of a maternity leave, where husbands take time off from work to attend to their wives who has just given birth. Paternity leaves lasts for 7 days. It is only approved to male employees who are married.
5. Emergency Leave
As its name implies, emergency leaves are applied by employees in situations where they really cannot come to work. These situations could either be due to a natural calamity or disaster, due to a health risk, due to serious family matters, and so on.
Need schedule samples and templates? If so, you can check out our website and choose a variety of schedule samples and templates. A few examples are construction schedule templates, travel schedule samples and templates, and interview schedule template.
When Does a Leave Become Paid or Unpaid?
Company employees may generally be categorized as probationary employees and regular employees. Probationary employees are those employees who are working for less than six months in the company and are being closely evaluated for regularization. Regular employees are those employees who have worked in a company for more than six months and have successfully passed the regularization performance evaluations required by the company. You may also see volunteer schedule samples and templates.
Different categories are provided with different leave benefits. Most companies do not offer leave benefits for probationary employees and some would strictly implement that they never be absent within the six-month probationary period as this will affect their attendance evaluations. If ever they need to go on leave for emergency reasons, they are still allowed to but they won’t be paid for that. Upon regularization, employees are entitled to specific numbers of paid vacation and sick leaves per year depending on the company. But even when their leaves are paid, they can still have unpaid leaves. This happens when they have used up all of their vacation leave and sick leave credits, but they would still apply for such leave. Often, unpaid leaves happen if the employee is not sure about how many paid leave credits they still have. You may also like interview schedule templates.
Advantages of Leave Schedule Templates
The following are some of the advantages that you can get with leave schedule templates.
- Leave schedule templates can easily be accessed and downloaded online. Scarcity is not an issue when it comes to this tool. You may also see schedule samples in word.
- They are easy and convenient to use. A lot of templates are editable and are easy to modify so that they would match up with your needs.
- They allow you to arrange data in a very neat and organized manner.
- A lot of schedule templates are offered for free and some websites even allow you to make custom templates.
- Leave schedule templates is a great way to keep track of employees’ leave requests. You may also like panel schedule templates.
- It helps you avoid horrors brought about by bad leave scheduling and helps you create a good schedule for your company or business.
Get to know more about other schedule-related topics on our website, like employee shift schedule samples and templates, monthly work schedule templates, and lunch schedule samples and templates.