It was in 1878 when the first telephone directory was ever made. It contained just 50 lists of businesses, names, and contact information. But, nowadays, printed directories have become almost instinct, due to the evolution of technology where everyone can simply save contact details online and inside gadgets. Nonetheless, the relevance of a directory is still present, especially in the business and employment field. So, if you want create a directory that will have the details of your company staff members, then our staff directory samples are for you!

FREE 10+ Staff Directory Samples in PDF

1. Staff Directory Template

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Size: 119 KB


2. Staff Directory Format Template

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Size: 69 KB


3. Faculty and Staff Directory Template

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Size: 311 KB


4. Sample Faculty and Staff Directory

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Size: 515 KB


5. Staff Management Directory Sample

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Size: 148 KB


6. Sample Staff and Faculty Directory

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Size: 277 KB


7. Simple Staff Directory Format

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Size: 91 KB


8. University Faculty & Staff Directory

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Size: 283 KB


9. Sample Staff and Faculty Directory

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Size: 70 KB


10. Professional Faculty and Staff Directory

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Size: 211 KB


11. Intermediate School District Staff Directory

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Size: 162 KB


What Is a Staff Directory?

In general, a directory means a collection of numbers and names of particular individuals. So, the definition of a staff directory is that it is a document containing the list of a business company’s hired staff members. Often, the staff can only be listed in the directory when he completes the probationary period. The information that a staff directory collects would include the name of the staff members, their contact information, emergency contact details, addresses, and work assignments.

How to Make a Staff Directory

Resumes, cover letters, and application forms are some of the printed documents that companies often keep for recording the details of their staff members before. But, today, there are many ways that can ease the process of documentation; in specific, by making a website staff page that contains the faces of the staff members. This way, it’s not only the members of the company who can see who the staff members are, but also the clients and website visitors. However, regardless if you want to have a staff directory online or printed, you still need to keep in mind the following tips to ensure that your directory will actually be beneficial and not just a waste of any company effort:

1. Make a Plan

You don’t just post or plot phone numbers and addresses without knowing how you will be arranging and organizing them, right? So, make a staffing plan that focuses on listing and determining the roles of your company staff members. You can ask for the guidance and assistance of the administration, or reach out to each of the staff members individually to verify their personal information and contact details with ease.

2. Value Privacy and Confidentiality

If you’re planning to post the contact details and emergency contact information of your staff members, you should think first! Why? Because it may be not permitted by the staff confidentiality agreement that your company agreed to and promised. Therefore, ask for any rules and regulations that center on privacy and confidentiality first before you proceed to any step in making your staff directory.

3. Don’t Forget the Schedule

The schedule of every staff should be included as part of the staff directory as well. This is essential to update every time a staff will be shifting from one working hour to another, or when a staff files a vacation leave. You can state the hourly staff schedule with the list of working days and locations.

4. Inform to Finalize

Hosting a staff meeting will allow you to share and know any incorrect and outdated information. Also, you’ll be able to get their thoughts about how you can design the staff directory that will help any user; after all, it’s their faces, names, and identities being posted in the directory.


How can I ensure that the details in my staff directory are up-to-date?

Regardless if you’re using a software program or not, you will need to have someone assigned for the role of keeping the directory updated. You can create a staff development plan and hand someone the responsibility of changing and updating crucial information. But, you should also have a verification process to make sure that the changes are accurate, true, and authorized by the owner of the information, or the staff member.

What’s the difference between a staff directory from a phone book?

The difference between a staff directory and a phone book is it’s contents and it’s method of acquiring the said contents. A staff directory is often made public and posted in a public setting as opposed to a phone book that only authorized or private individuals can access. Also, staff directories will only have the list of staff members of a company, while phone books will have all directories from all departments.

What are the benefits of having a staff directory?

One of the benefits of having a staff directory is that it would make it easier for the company, and all other individuals who can have the directory, to contact any of the staff members. Communication barriers will be non-existent since staff members will get regular updates about their tasks and roles since the company has their details. Also, the staff members themselves can contact other staff members if they need someone to take or exchange shift schedules with due to emergencies and immediate need.

Staff directories are essential for companies, organizations, and institutions, as it will aid in contacting anyone who must either report, remain in office, or change shifts. So, why not instead of creating the directory from scratch, you make use of our free sample forms and templates of staff directories above? Just choose, download, edit, and you’ll have what you need in no time with no fees and promises required!