When the summer season comes, the first things that visits one’s thoughts would be the beach, white sand, and a colorful beach ball. But, summer time is also the best time to indulge and learn new things, be it a hobby or something educational that will be useful for the next semester. So, if you’re one of those teachers or school administrators who want to engage every student to learn more during the summer, then our summer assignment samples below are your best options!

FREE 10+ Summer Assignments Samples

1. Psychology Summer Assignment Template

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 13 KB


2. Sample Summer Drawing Assignments

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 16 KB


3. Summer Homework Assignments

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 16 KB


4. Sample History Summer Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 195 KB


5. English Department Summer Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


6. Summer Students Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. 8th Grade Summer Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 93 KB


8. 6th Grade Summer Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


9. Sample Summer Assignments

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 200 KB


10. Summer Assignments Work

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 95 KB


11. School Summer Assignment Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 107 KB


What Is a Summer Assignment?

A summer assignment is a task or exercise that students need to answer and complete for the duration of the summer season. Often, the assignments include reading worksheets, researching, and creating a thesis. By giving out assignments or home works for the summer break, students will be able to harness and develop their learning capabilities. Also, summer assignments help students be ready for the opening of classes after the summer break.

How to Make Summer Assignments for Students

According to kesherld.com, one of the advantages of giving homework during summer is it serves as a means to ensure that students won’t forget what they learned during the previous school year or semester. But, not all assignments are created equal, and not every assignment is effective and efficient in meeting the advantage mentioned above. So, to make sure that your summer assignments serve its purpose, follow the tips below:

1. Backtrack on What You Discussed in Class

Use your lesson plan as a guide towards determining what you have discussed in class in the previous semesters. Opt for the important bits, or get questions from various chapters and parts of each lesson. Doing this will remind your students of what they have learned and help them keep those lessons in mind during the summer vacation.

2. List Reading Materials and Sources

Of course, you don’t want your students to go through their assignments blindly, right? So, list down the reading materials and sources that they can rely on. And as part of their reading work, you can include a >book review write up in the assignment. But, do make sure that you indicate instructions and guidelines on how to write the review, such as the number of words, sentences, paragraphs, and questions to answer.

3. State the Requirements and Deadlines

Before, teachers will only be able to reach and talk to students if they are in the classroom, school, or in a face-to-face meeting. But, due to the developments of technology, it’s now possible to contact a student via email, online, or group chat. So, make use of varying forms of technology to inform your students of what to submit during particular dates, or when the deadlines will be. And to do this, you have to indicate in their assignments what they must do or their requirements, such as setting up an email account solely for receiving updates and keeping up with the deadlines.

4. Add Engaging Yet Balanced Activities

Reading can be interesting for some and boring for others. On the one hand, running can be beneficial for some and impossible for others. So, make sure that you only include activities that all students can participate in. You can also include an activity log in the assignments to serve as proof that the activities were completed.

5. Add Snippets of Back-to-School Topics

By adding snippets or even activities such as writing a research paper for future topics that you’ll be discussing when the summer break is over, you’re able to let your students know what they can anticipate. Also, you can collect the suggestions and thoughts of your students about the topic, as well as use those same suggestions as a means for you to invent ways you can engage them better when they go back to school.


How should the summer assignment sheets look: formal or creative?

It depends on who your students are and what your subject is. For instance, if you are a math teacher, then you can opt for a simpler layout for your math worksheets. On the one hand, if you’re an arts and crafts teacher in grade school, then you can add quirky design elements to entice and engage your young audience or students.

Is there a particular number of assignments or homework that I must require my students to submit for the duration of the summer?

No, there is not a standard number of assignments that you have to mandate your students to have and submit. But, it would be best if you considered that the summer break is also meant for relaxing and winding away from the intense academic calendar of schedules that your students faced every day for the past semesters. So, limit the assignments to those which are relevant and helpful.

Which is better: electronic or printed summer assignments?

If you are a tech-savvy teacher, then go ahead and use the internet to post the homework schedule and collect the submissions of your class. But, if you don’t like that route, then type, print, and distribute the summer assignments personally to your students before or on the last day of class. In short, the choice is on you.

Summer assignments shouldn’t be a burden to both you and your students. So, make it interesting, relevant, beneficial, and effective by using our free sample forms and templates above as your guide now!