When you want to know how your business is doing, taking a look at your cash flow statements will be of great help. Cash flow spreadsheets help to give you an overview of your current financial status and it can also help you do a forecast what will happen to your business should your performance continues and what will happen if you make any adjustments.

We would like to give you a good idea of the benefits of cash flow maintenance and we would also like to share a few free cash flow statement samples and templates that will serve as your reference. Check everything out down below.

Cash Flow Statement Template

cash flow statement template

Sample Monthly Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 41 KB


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet in PDF

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Size: 51 KB


Sample Blank Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 8 KB


Simplified Personal Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet Example

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Size: 17 KB


Personal Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 24 KB


Accounting Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet Sample

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Size: 108 KB


What Is a Cash Flow Statement?

Before anything else, let us first define what a cash flow statement is. A cash flow statement is one of the primary essential financial statements for your business alongside the balance sheet and the income statement. It helps you monitor the inflows and outflows of your cash due to operations, investments, and other activities that involve cash. This is usually for a specific time period. When we talk about cash in cash flow statements, it does not only refer to cash but to cash equivalents as well or assets that can be easily converted into cash. One primary use of a cash flow statement is being able to provide the reader a good amount of information regarding the financial position of a business.

Analyzing the cash flow of your business is highly important in ensuring that your business has enough cash to sustain the operations of the business. It will also be helpful in giving you a clear picture of your business’s ability to pay your creditor and still have enough left to finance the growth of your company. You may also see sample tracking spreadsheets

Why Worry About Cash Flow?

When it comes to making sure that your cash flow is in good standing, it will definitely be considered as a smart move. The amount of profit you generate, your business model, and investors will be of no use if you do not know how to manage your cash inflows and outflows.

A ton of times, companies will definitely fail because of mismanagement of cash. Businesses tend to focus more on the profits when they should be paying attention to their cash flows instead. If your business is established, you may have already mastered the art of keeping a buffer cash stash to get you through tough times. However, new and growing businesses have yet to build enough buffer cash as they invest in things that would help make their businesses be more profitable in the long run. The latter are the ones that should be keeping an eye on how their cash comes in and out. The first few years of growth are the most challenging years. You may also like inventory spreadsheet templates

Keeping an eye on the cash flow is the best that you can do for your business—established or otherwise. Once you develop this skill, you will definitely use it to manage your own personal finances.

Overcoming Cash Flow Issues

Businesses, no matter how big or small will encounter cash flow problems. If given immediate attention, you will definitely be able to find ways to counter the problem/s with the right strategy.

In this area, we would like to give you a few ways on how you can overcome common issues regarding cash flows.

1. Excessive Overhead Expenses

When it comes to running a business, you will obviously need funds for the cost of your day-to-day operations. This is what we call overhead expenses. This includes utility expenses such as telephone bills, rent/lease cost, electricity, Internet, etc. Overhead expenses tend to go overboard a ton of times and this can greatly affect your business’s cash flow. Unless this problem is given immediate attention, it will continuously affect your daily operations. You may also see sample inventory sheets

What you can do to solve this problem is actually monitor and cut back on what you can. If cutting back on some things is not an option, you can definitely make use of cheaper options. You can check out Audit Program Samples and Templates to give you an idea of how you can properly monitor and audit your daily expenses. This way, you can make sure that your overhead expenses do not go beyond your means or budget.

2. Slow Payments

Business invoices are some of the factors that can contribute to problems with regards to cash flow. Not all businesses can afford to wait 30 to 60 days for orders to be paid. Slow payments can often cause financial problems.

An easy solution for this would be to give your clients an incentive when they pay earlier. You can give them rebates or cash back should they pay earlier or ahead of the deadline. You may also check out sample expense sheet templates

3. Excess in Inventory

Excess inventory greatly affects manufacturing companies and resellers. If there is excess in manufactured or purchased products, it affects the cash flow. You may also see sample budget spreadsheets

A quick solution would be to properly monitor and lessen purchase or manufacturing of products if necessary. However, make sure that there will be enough stock of products that are in high demand.

4. Bad Debt

Debt in business is inevitable. However, having a large amount of debt is alarming. Bad debt occurs when customers or clients take too long to pay or do not pay at all. Obviously, bad debt affects your cash flow by a great amount as well as your business’s profitability. You may also like tracking sheet samples

What you can do would be to review the credit score of your clients before you extend payment terms. Payment extensions should only be given to clients who have a good payment record whereas those who do not have a good payment record can prepay until they have a good credit record with your company. The risk with this strategy, however, is losing customers and lose sales, but you are only likely to lose clients who have a bad credit score to begin with. You may also check out sample expense sheets

5. Negative Gross Margins

Some businesses price their products and services too low that they end up having low or negative gross margins. This is highly true for industries that are highly competitive. Small business owners are usually the ones who suffer from this issue.

A solution would be to determine the raw cost of all your products and services. It may be challenging but once you figure it all out, you can raise prices of your products that have a low/weak margin, drop some products that are not doing so well, and you can make sure that your products are priced appropriately according to their cost. You can make use of price chart templates that can help you monitor the prices of your products and services.

Cash flow problems are inevitable. Even the most established businesses encounter these problems. Attending to the problems as soon as you find them is highly recommended. You may also see editable tracking sheets

Cash Flow and Funds Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 3 MB


Simple Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet Format

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Size: 250 KB


Standard Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 235 KB


Sample Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 96 KB


Furniture Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 517 KB


Direct Cash Flow Statement Spreadsheet

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Size: 37 KB


Cash Flow Management Benefits

Cash flow analysis may seem like a challenging and intimidating business task but there are a few benefits in doing so. Who knew that cash flow management would have benefits, right? We have listed down a few benefits to cash flow management.

1. Foreseeing Shortfalls

By knowing the inflows and outflows of cash in your business, you will be able to know if you will encounter any shortfalls. This means you know whether you are going to have enough money for rent or to pay the electricity bills. If you find out your money is running a bit short by the time the deadline arrives, you can make appropriate plans such as asking for a little bit of extension, delay any shipments, or do sales of weaker items in order to cover up for some of your bills. You may also see budget spreadsheet excel samples

2. Less Stress

Paying your bills and filling out some accounting form templates can be so stressful. Knowing what you will encounter will help alleviate some of your stress even if the outcome is not in your favor. You will feel more prepared and you will be able to plan ahead.

3. Spending for Growth

Every business owner wants their business to grow. With proper monitoring of your cash flows, you would know the amount of money that you can set aside for the growth of your business. You may also like budget spreadsheet templates

4. Gain Leverage

Positive cash flow will definitely give you leverage. It will make credit applications ways easier and you will attract more investors. Your suppliers will also trust you more because of your good cash flow management. When you go to banks to apply for loans and they see that your cash flow is good, they will happily oblige with your loan request.

5. Accuracy is Better

Looking at your statement of cash flows is actually more accurate than taking a look at the cash budget template. This is because cash flow projections actually tell you what’s happening compared to a budget plan, which is what you want to happen. This is why constant updating of your cash flow statements are highly recommended to ensure that you stay on top and that it remains accurate.