Many people find budgeting a difficult and tiring thing to do even if it only involves their own money. So what if you need to take care of the budget for an entire organization, like the church budget. You will need to level up your budgeting skills to the next level. But what if you don’t have budgeting skills in the first place? That’s a big problem, but every problem has a solution and this one can be solved with the use of a church budget worksheet. A church budget worksheet is a convenient document that will help any beginner in large-scale budgeting. This worksheet comes in many different templates and uses different layouts depending on the user’s or the organization’s preferences. Here are some church sample budget worksheets that you may check out for your reference.
Church Budget Worksheet Samples
1. Church Ministry Budget Worksheet Template
If you are part of a church ministry and was given the task to do the monthly budgeting in detail, then you might first find yourself in a bind. Luckily, this church ministry budget worksheet template is available for you to download. The template is a convenient tool where you can record monthly budget details, like revenue, expenses, compensation subtotal, office subtotal, occupancy subtotal, ministry subtotal, etc. A separate sheet is even provided so that you can get a glimpse of the budget summary.
2. Church Planting Budget Worksheet Sample
A budget has to be provided for different church activities, just like planting. Separating the budget for these activities and doing a separate breakdown for them will be more convenient and will result to a more organized record of expenses and other data. A perfect way to make separate budget plans for the different activities would be with the use of the church planting budget worksheet sample shown above. The sample worksheet can also be used for other budgeting purposes, like for work and for personal needs.
3. Church Budget Worksheet Template
This church budget worksheet template is a detailed tool that not only provides you with an editable template but it also gives you a step-by-step guide on the proper use of the template. If you are a complete beginner, then this sample template will be to your advantage. You will find an easy and convenient tool to use for your church budgeting needs. Just make the necessary changes to match your needs.
4. United Methodist Church Budget Worksheet Sample
This sample is taken from the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church. The whole sample only has three pages in total where you can see the first page providing the details of the budgeting to be done in table format. The second and the third pages is where the financial basics are written. Aside from budgeting for the church, the sample can also be used for making and recording the budget of other things because it uses a general format.
5. Sample Church Budget Worksheet
The advantage of using Excel when doing budgeting is the ease when doing the calculations of all the related data entered into each cell in the worksheet. This is because each cell can be programmed with a particular formula so that it can automatically do the calculations after data is entered. This sample budget worksheet does just that. Specific cells are programmed with the appropriate formula so that the budgeting task can be done with ease and convenience. It also results to lesser calculation errors. You just need to make sure that you enter data accurately.
6. Diocese Budget Worksheet Sample
Want to learn about budgeting and how to actually make one at the same time? All you have to do is download this sample and check out the guides and samples in it. This document includes a basic guide on what a budget is, steps on how you can prepare a budget, steps on how you can report the budget in many ways, and sample pro formas. The sample is from the Diocese of Rochester, so if you use it as a reference material, then you can guarantee that is undoubtedly reliable.
7. Sample Church Narrative Budget Worksheet
Budget justification is another term used to refer to a budget narrative. As its name implies, the a budget narrative is used to explain how a certain cost was estimated and provides a reason that justifies why the said cost is needed. The budget sample above is just one of the many things that you can see in the church narrative budget worksheet sample. Basic information about a budget narrative is also provided which makes it a great reference material, especially to those who want to learn more about it.
8. Church Youth and Children Budget Worksheet Sample
Make a budget worksheet for a specific activity or cause using a reliable sample, like the church youth and children budget worksheet sample shown above. The sample worksheet uses a standard format so that it can be used to budget other things aside from church expenses for the youth and children. You will also be able to compare the previous year’s budget with that of the current year’s budget. We definitely recommend that you check it out.
9. Simple Church Budget Worksheet Template
Use this worksheet template for church-related budgeting and other types of budgeting needs that you may have. The template is definitely easy to use and understand. This one-page budget worksheet also allows you to compare the planned budget with that of the actual budget. You will surely love it.
10. Sample Church Budget Planning Worksheet
Steer away from boring black-and-white budget worksheet. Use a worksheet that will inspire and excite you when it comes to doing your church budgeting task. Now, we’re actually talking about this cool, detailed, and comprehensive church budget planning worksheet sample template. Only use the best for your budgeting needs.