There is a saying that goes, “It takes months to find a customer, and only seconds to lose one”, which most businesses abide by dutifully. You see, customers are the driving force behind the success of many companies and freelance individuals, especially when it comes to generating revenues and sales. Furthermore, they are an important part of creating your business plan, marketing strategy, and promotional campaigns. Without clients, you will not be able to sell anything, thus affecting your business in the long run, and might cause you to shut down even before you see it grow big.

10+ Customer Info Sheet Samples

1. Customer Account Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 505 KB


2. Customer Project Info Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 280 KB


3. Customer Info Sheet in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 756 KB


4. Customer Info Sheet Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 73 KB


5. Customer Information Sheet Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 254 KB


6. Standard Customer Info Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


7. Printable Customer Info Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 584 KB


8. General Customer Information Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


9. New Customer Info Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 905 KB


10. Company Customer Info Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


11. Customer Info Sheet in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


What Is a Customer Information Sheet?

A customer information sheet is a business form whose purpose is to collect information or data about a client. The sheet may contain details including contact information, home or office address, salary income, e-mail address, employer information, and other data that are relevant to the client and the services or products that they want to avail from the other party. This sheet is used by many industries, particularly in healthcare, hotels, retail stores, bill payment service centers, real estate, banks, I.T. solutions providers, and utility companies, among many others.

How to Create a Customer Information Sheet

In order to create a professional-looking customer information sheet that you can utilize to improve your marketing plans and customer service, you will need a handy template to help you write without hassle. Templates are very affordable and contain ready-made graphic designs with content so you don’t have to write from scratch anymore. Here are some of the tips that you can follow when making your information sheet.

1. Start with Basic Information

When you start creating field tags on your sheet, you basically have to write starting with their name, address, telephone number, birthdate, birthplace, nationality, gender, marital status, and even the name of their parents (if applicable). These basic details are especially important if you have a business policy of conducting legal background checks before accepting any requests from certain clients. If you want to, you can make a separate section for this part of your sheet.

2. Ask for Their Business Details

If you are doing business-to-business transactions with a client, then make sure that you include a section where you can find out about their business. Put label tags where they can write the name of their business, its nature or services offered its address, websites, and other contact information. If the client is employed, then it is best to leave spaces where they can write about their designations, years of employment, and the amount of salary they get monthly or annually.

3. Include Identification Card Details

Most companies are very wary of scammers and bogus buyers nowadays, and that is why they now require clients to submit proof of their identity to avoid these types of people. One of the surefire ways to ensure that your clients are authentic people with legitimate businesses is their identification card numbers, however, this excludes anything that might jeopardize their private bank accounts and other personal assets. List down acceptable ID cards on the back of the sheet so your clients will know what to write down when they fill up the form.

4. Add Other General Information

The general information is where you can write a survey-type questionnaire for your clients that may relate to your business. The questions may range from “Where did you hear about (insert business name here)”, or, “What type of services are you looking for?”. However, this is optional since you can always incorporate other information such as instructions.


How Important Is a Client Information Form?

Client information forms are very important since it helps you become organized and ready for anything, especially when it comes to making decisions for your business. Without it, you will have a hard time tracking down your clients, too, and this would disrupt the flow of your work and time management as well.

How Can I Make My Information Sheet Effective for My Business?

If you want to make your information sheet as effective as it needs to be, you have to make sure that its contents are relatable to both parties. If your business is product shipping, then your sheet must contain information about shipping. Do not include details that are not applicable to your nature of business.

What Is the Best Way to Store Client Information Sheets?

If you are still using the physical sheets, then you will need a cabinet organizer where you can put alphabetical labels so you don’t have to go around searching for the sheets and waste time. However, you are strongly advised to digitize them so that you can access them any time you need them.

When you know your clients well, you can definitely make better plans for your company so you can cater more to their needs, thus increasing the profits of your business. That is why you need material where you can write down important client information for reference. Download our client information sheet template today by downloading our editable templates which you can avail of by clicking our gallery samples.