6+ Employee Information Sheets Samples

It might be difficult, if not impossible, to adequately monitor performance and productivity levels without comprehensive records. Because a lack of such vital information may stymie both corporate progress and individual employee development, everyone benefits from accurate, up-to-date data. It’s not only a matter of maintaining data security compliance when it comes to keeping correct records. Employers that are aware of the benefits of keeping up-to-date personnel records recognize that, far from being a burden, they may provide significant opportunity. How do you keep your employee records? Through well-organized sheets, of course. These records can be filed in a cabinet locker or kept digitally. Either way, if you need some help with making one, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-made templates of Employee Information Sheets in PDF and DOC format that you could use for your benefit. Keep on reading to find out more!

1. Employee Information Sheet Example 

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  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


2. Employee Personal Information Sheet

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  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


3. Return toWork Employee Information Shet

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  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


4. Finance New Employee Information Sheet

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Size: 94 KB


5. Change Employee Information Form

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Size: 57 KB


6. Non-Employee Information Form

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Size: 87 KB


7. Annual Student Employee Information

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  • PDF

Size: 48 KB


What is an employee information record sheet?

Every new employee must complete and maintain an employee information record sheet, which is a critical human resources (HR) document. It contains crucial personal information on each employee, such as their Social Security number, contact information for their spouse, and work information, such as their position, department, supervisor, and start date. Employees must also submit emergency contact information on the form, which the employer can use to notify a relative or friend in the case of an injury or tragic occurrence.

How to make employee information record sheet

HR should avoid any material on your information record sheet that an employee would consider discriminatory, such as ethnicity, sex, religion, nationality, and disability. An Employee Information Record Sheet Template can help provide you with the framework you need to ensure that you have a well-prepared and robust record sheet on hand. To do so, you can choose one of our excellent templates listed above. If you want to write it yourself, check out these sections below to guide you:

#1. Employee’s basic information.

For starters, the employee must provide personal information such as their complete name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address, birth date, marital status, Social Security number, and contact information for their spouse or partner.

#2. Employee’s job description.

The role, department, employee ID, supervisor, work location, work email address, work phone number, start date, and pay of an individual are all included in this section.

#3. Employee’s emergency contact information.

In this section, the employee must provide the contact details of a family or friend that the company can call in the case of an emergency.

#4. Employee’s health details.

Companies constantly ask workers health-related questions to determine whether they have any allergies or unique health needs, as well as whether they are supplied health insurance via the employer. If you include such a part in the document, it should be on a different page since medical data must be filed separately under health insurance rules and regulations.

#5. Additional information.

Some firms may also ask workers to describe their interests and hobbies in order to determine which projects they would be interested in. Employers may also congratulate employees on major events by gathering extra personal information, such as a birthday, which boosts employee morale.


When should you fill out an employee information form?

The new employee should fill out the employee information form as soon as they are hired by the firm or organization.

Can my supervisor share my personal information with other employees?

In general, an employer can only release private information if it is compelled by law or if it serves a legitimate commercial purpose.

What information does HR have access to?

If the firm asks for further information regarding salary, HR can provide it, but it has the authority to request express agreement from the candidate. You are under no obligation to provide any information, including employment verification data and pay information.

Within a few days of being hired, new employees should be prompted to fill out information forms. Request that personnel review forms every six months or yearly, if possible. To help you get started, download our easily customizable and comprehensive samples of Employee Information Record Sheets today!