Insanity workout is great for people who are too busy to go to the gym or are on a budget. Since there’s no need for any gym equipment, your workout revolves around making use of your own body weight for resistance. Although this is a workout that proves to be difficult to execute and may leave you out of breath after each session, this results to a lean and trim physique.

There are Sample Sheets dedicated to recording and keeping track of your insanity workout. You can use these sheets to keep a schedule of your insanity workouts and observe how well you did during your session. You can browse through the following insanity workout sheets and choose one that suits your preference.

Free Insanity Workout Sheet

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Size: 364 KB


Insanity Workout Sheet Printable

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Size: 135 KB


Insanity Workout Schedule in PDF

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Size: 74 KB


Insanity Fit Test Workout Sheet

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Size: 410 KB


What Is an Insanity Workout Routine?

An insanity workout is based on a program that would help maximize your workout time. This means that you will be able to do multiple types of exercises in a short period of time. Although this workout is intended for those who are already in shape, if you are a beginner, you may still try this out, but you should only do the routine at your own pace.

Just like any other workout routine, it starts out with a warm-up and then proceeds to execute the “insane” workout. The workout proper is composed of 3-minute intense exercise with a 30-second rest period in between the exercise. This actually helps to burn calories faster. This goes on for 60 days and the routine per week is different from one another in order to avoid being in a plateau. As the weeks pass by, the routines become more and more difficult.

Aside from the workout, there is also a diet plan that is needed to be followed in order to make the routine more effective. Since you tend to consume more energy in a short period, you will be recommended food that will help give your body the proper nutrition it needs.

You can check out more ways to schedule your workouts in our Sample Workout Sheets article.

Insanity Workout Sheet Example

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  • PDF

Size: 124 KB


Insanity Schedule and Daily Tracker in Excel

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Size: 9 KB


Insanity Workout Sheet in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


What Are the Benefits of Doing Insanity Workout?

  • Insanity workout is a cardio fitness routine, so it makes your heart work hard in a healthy manner. (You should still consider consulting you doctor in case you have an existing heart condition.)
  • You will never be bored with the workout since it is interchanged every day and levels increase per week.
  • This workout routine will not cost much since you do not need a gym membership and gym equipment.
  • There is a diet plan you can follow that ensures you get all the nutrition your body needs.
  • Both beginners and fitness experts can follow the program since the program requires the person to follow the routine at his or her own pace.

Why Use the Insanity Workout Sheets?

First of all, since the insanity workout program is scheduled, you can easily plot the program in the sheet. You can monitor which days are workout days and which days are rest days. You can also log how you did with the routine for the day and if you feel any improvement. These are just some of the basics but you can keep a record of other health-related elements such as your weight, mood, body fat percentage, etc.

The workout sheets are available in PDF (.pdf) format, are accessible and downloadable directly in this article, and can be easily stored in any storage device you might have.

You may also want to check out Sample Weekly Time Sheets.

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