With the current trend of information spreading really fast across the globe, and the continuous wane of an individuals attention span when it comes to corporate stuff. Businesses and corporations worldwide are struggling to present information about their products and services in a short, accurate, compelling, and concise manner. Especially when presenting to clients, investors, and potential customers, they have to make sure that the audience have just about enough information they need to get to know the company and its services without pelting them with pages and pages of data and background information. Companies have to make sure that the information they are presenting don’t go over the audience’s head. A great way to do that is to construct a fact sheet, to make it more concise and a bit shorter, a one page fact sheet.

Fact sheets can be quite complicated to construct as it requires information to be presented in a limited way. Compressing information especially in a single page can be really difficult and its quite easy to mess up. So for your benefit, check out these one page fact sheet samples listed below to help you make sure that your fact sheet is drafted properly, short, concise, and comprehensive for your audience.

5+ One Page Fact Sheet Samples

1. One Page Quick Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 39 KB


2. One Page Stop Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 128 KB


3. One Page Research Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 131 KB


4. One Page Car Expenses Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


5. One Page Medication Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 458 KB


6. One Pager Fact Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 279 KB


What Is a One Page Fact Sheet?

Fact sheets are documents that contain enough information that your readers need to get to know your company and the products and services it provides. It’s like an elevator pitch, it talks about your company, what your company is, what products you offer, in a fairly short amount of time. Just enough information to make them interested about your company and why should they care. Fact sheets are also used to keep track of your company and its current status, most of the time fact sheets as such are provided to marketing partners and prospective investors. The concept of a fact sheet, especially a one page fact sheet, is to keep up with the waning attention span of the average person. We don’t want to read something dragging and boring about some boring company. So one page fact sheets are to pique their interests and actually make them care enough to avail your products and services.

How to Write a One Page Fact Sheet

The fact that you have to compress so much information in a single page, is what’s making the writing process complicated. You have to pay attention with how you present your information, making sure that it’s clear, easy to follow, easily understandable and sensible. There are a few key components you have to pay attention to to ensure this, or else, your fact sheet would just lead to more confusion than providing clarity. These key components will be discussed in detail below.

  1. Header

    Or title. It can be your company’s name, the name of your project, something you made up, it’s up to you, as long as it is sensible. Also remember to use bold fonts and font sizes to further grab your reader’s attention. A good title and a striking font can do really well to engage your readers to your fact sheet.

  2. Description

    Provide a brief description of whatever your fact sheet is about. You can talk about the history of your company, the background, talk a bit about your products and services. Contact details and location of your base of operation is also very important to include in this section, to make sure they know where and who to reach out after reading your fact sheet. You can add more information regarding the description of your company if you want, just remember that the fact sheet is only limited to one page. So think about what section you’ll focus heavily on to use the space effectively and efficiently.

  3. Vision and Mission statements

    The vision and mission statements can provide a good space for your company’s slogan or tagline. Don’t put too much weight behind it as we only have one page, have to remember that, and an effective slogan or tagline should be enough to give the readers an idea of what your company’s values are and to give your fact sheet a personality. Also, leave the rest for when they finally get interested and actually want to know about it.

  4. Products and services

    This is the main body of your fact sheet, not the company description section. This is where you’ll mainly talk about your products and services and why you choose to provide them. What benefits will the customers gain after availing your products and how will it affect them on a certain level. Basically, tell them what your product is and what can the costumers get from it aside from the product itself. There is a bit or marketing and advertising but that may be the point of a fact sheet, its a pitch, and you have to be able to persuade your audience why your company and your product is worth it.


What does a fact sheet look like?

A fact sheet should preferably be a single page long. Information should be short and concise, easy to grasp and understand. A fact sheet should also be visually appealing with graphs, visuals, tables, and the like.

What is a company information sheet?

Company information sheets, or a company fact sheet, is a simple overview of important information about your company, project, and organization.

How long is a one page fact sheet?

One page. Commonly on a plain 8 1/2 x 11″ paper and on one side only.

Fact sheets may be complicated, but can be really rewarding if done right. Especially for marketing purposes, since there’s a higher chance of it being consumed by a wider demographic.  Hence, higher costumer interactions and ultimately, higher profit. But fact sheets are not limited to marketing purposes only, and it’s mostly a corporate document which means you have make sure that its presented in a proper and professional manner, one last thing to keep in mind.