For companies and businesses, it’s always a struggle to be able to convey information about a new product to their customers as an effective marketing strategy. Other more mainstream marketing methods like advertisements, billboards, and commercials may not be as effective because, they are generally aimed at the majority of the public. It just doesn’t narrow down to the target demographic that are much more likely to avail said product. There may just be too much information and figuring out the proper context in which to market the product may also be quite difficult to figure out, especially when the product itself is really not that straightforward, the large amount of details may just be too much of a bore for the customers, especially to those who have a particularly short attention span.
A really effective way to bypass all of those struggle and more, is to write a compelling and comprehensive product fact sheet. If done well, fact sheets can easily present factual and relevant information in a relatively short amount of time without hampering your readers with too much information that most of the time they don’t really care about. But compressing this much information in a single document can be quite challenging, and its also really easy to mess up. It’s more than just cropping and slapping a bunch of information together in a page. For your convenience and your readers’, check out these product fact sheet samples listed below to ensure that your fact sheet is drafted properly, comprehensive, easy to follow and understand.
10+ Product Fact Sheet Samples
1. Product Fact Sheet Template

2. Product Fact Sheet
3. Sample Product Fact Sheet
4. Cooking Product Fact Sheet
5. Drying Room Product Fact Sheet
6. Product Information Fact Sheet
7. Standard Product Fact Sheet
8. Mosquito Control Product Fact Sheet
9. Promotional Product Fact Sheet
10. Employee Benefits Product Fact Sheet
11. Financial Product Fact Sheet
What Is a Product Fact Sheet?
A product fact sheet is like your product’s elevator pitch. Its a document that relays important, relevant, and factual information to your readers, just enough to get to know your product, and tell them why should they care about it. Product fact sheets are also generally used as a marketing tool, but sometimes it can provide an effective communication medium between two separate departments or organizations in the company as well.
The overall concept of a fact sheet is developed to keep up with the continuous waning of an average person’s attention span, they just tend to not look at documents that contain too much seemingly unnecessary information, especially when its about a new product that they usually haven’t heard about yet. Fact sheets are also drafted in a visually appealing manner as to not lose the interest of the readers while reading it. It works a bit like an advertisement, but in a much more compact and easily digestible manner. They tend to pay more attention to engaging and inviting documents that’s easy to read and pleasing to the eyes, or at least, when they find it interesting.
How to Write a Product Fact Sheet
As I’ve already established a few minutes back, fact sheets can be really difficult to draft properly due to compressing so much information together and figuring out which goes where, it’s generally an easy document to mess up. An ineffective fact sheet could just lead to more confusion rather than clarity. To ensure that your fact sheet is properly written, there are several key components that you have to remember and follow, or at least, use it as a guide. These key components will be discussed more in detail below.
- Header
The header will also serve as your fact sheet’s title. As it’s usually the first thing that your reader sees, you have to make sure that starting from the title, the fact sheet is already interesting. You can use the product name, your company name, or maybe a catchphrase that you’ve thought about. Also remember to use bold fonts as a good title and a really striking font can works together really well in grabbing your reader’s attention. - Company description
Right after your title and maybe a little bit of some graphics, write a brief description of your company and what services or products you specialize in. This is not the main content of your fact sheet so try not to get too carried away. A few of the most important details you have to include is the name of your company, its products and services, and contact information to ensure your readers have somewhere to reach out to if they want to know more about your product. - Mission and Vision statements
It doesn’t have to be long, just a few words to outline your vision and mission statements to have something that reflects your company’s values. This is also a really good spot for a slogan or tagline of your company so you can opt for that as well. - Product description
This component is now the main body or main content of your fact sheet. This is where you’ll talk about your product, what it is, what it does, how you came up with the idea of the product, and why you chose to provide such product. You should also talk about the benefits of your product, what benefits will the customer gain after purchasing your product and what it gives them, aside from the product itself. Make them think that they need your product, it’s an effective marketing strategy that could bring you a lot of profit.
What does a factsheet look like?
A fact sheet should a single page long on average. Information inside it should be brief and concise, and the presentation should be visually appealing.
Where is a fact sheet used?
Fact sheets are usually used to provide information to customers, clients. investors, and mainly just to the general public. It’s a relatively quick and easy way to do so.
Is a fact sheet a report?
Fact sheets follow the same format as a report, but is an entirely different document.
It’s a daunting task, to ensure that your product, especially new products, succeed. Most of the time you’re not sure of the direction of your sales and the demand in the market is not something that you can easily predict. Making an effective fact sheet for your product is a good way to at least provide a bit of breathing room for your company to prepare for the worst. But as long as the fact sheet is effective and the rest of your marketing initiatives work, I doubt your product will fall out of demand.
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