With regards to analyzing where the organization is regarding their monetary position, balance sheets will be a good reference. These are thought to be the most common and the best major financial statement that companies utilize. It keeps a record of the company cash flow and properties and is considered to be a very important document that a company can use for various financial transactions.
Here we have six simple balance sheet templates that you can use. Everyone can make use of these Sample Sheets—from students to new companies, and even certified accountants. Take a look at all of our samples below and choose one that you like best.
Balance Sheet Template

Simple Balance Sheet Template

Monthly Balance Sheet Template

Quarterly Balance Sheet Template

Accounting Balance Sheet Template

Proforma Balance Sheet Template

Simple Balance Sheet Example
Simple Balance Sheet Format
Simple Balance Sheet for a Small Business
Simple Personal Balance Sheet
Elements in a Balance Sheet
To complete a balance sheet, it must have the following elements:
These are all the items considered to be the company’s property. It can be classified into three categories:
- Current Assets – These are cash or items that will be converted into cash within one year. This may include cash on hand, accounts receivables, and the current value of the current inventory.
- Fixed Assets – This includes all the cost of lands, buildings, and equipment such as machinery and service vehicles/motorcycles.
- Intangible Assets – These assets include goodwill and prepaid expenses.
These are all the debts the company has. These can be classified into two categories:
- Current Liabilities – These includes accounts, debts, or taxes that will be paid within one year.
- Long-Term Liabilities – These include mortgages and other debts considered to be long-term in nature, which is payable more than a year.
Another term for equity is book value of the company. It is the difference between the assets and liabilities (Total Equity = Total Assets – Total Liabilities).
- Investment – These are all the investments made by the stockholders or the owner of the company. Cash and equipment are included in this category.
- Retained Earnings – These are the earnings from the previous year that is now considered to be a part of the current year’s equity.
- Net Profit – These are the current year’s profits.
Referring to our Balance Sheet Samples could also help you out.
Company Balance Sheet Sample
Simple Bank Balance Sheet in PDF
Example of Balance Sheet
Main Purpose of Balance Sheets
Balance sheets will give you an unmistakable understanding with respect to where the company stands when it comes to the company’s finances. It gives the client or customers a good glimpse of the financial status. This document serves as a good representation of the company when it comes to asking for financial advances from banks and lenders.
Using the Simple Balance Sheet Templates
A financial report as simple as a balance sheet can be used by companies and organizations in various conditions. It can be especially challenging to make, which is one of the motivations behind why using the balance sheet templates accessible in this article can end up being valuable. A few reasons why using these templates are the following:
- The sheets have pre-formatted and pre-designed layouts. This can help you save a lot of time since altering, editing, and copy-pasting is very easy to do.
- The layouts in the available templates can help you not miss any detail deemed to be important since balance sheets need to be made with utmost care.
- When it comes to downloading, the sample templates are accessible in PDF file formats, which are easy to store on your mobile device or computer. They are all available at no cost.
When you are done with your balance sheets, you can now make use of these as your official financial reports to be submitted to your local SEC and can be posted to your website.
You may also check out Budget Worksheets in PDF.
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