Starting a new business is not the hardest thing in the world, especially when you’ve prepared everything you need beforehand. Some components may require a bit of effort and time like legal papers, finances, intellectual property, human resources, sales and supplies, all these things are pretty much straightforward once you’ve accomplished these documents then you’re basically good to go. What makes starting a new business daunting and overwhelming is actually trying to figure out whether or not you’ve started the right business, for you, and for the community that will hypothetically, avail your services.
If your business matches the current demand. Now, there’s not much you can do if there’s no demand for your business or if its not as popular as you might have thought. But, there is a way to make them think that they want to avail your new business’s products and services, or to pique their interests enough to ensure costumer traffic and interaction. To make a startup fact sheet.
Developing a fact sheet is not as simple as it may seem because you have to make sure that there is enough information presented in a short and concise manner. Compressing much information into one or two pages can be really difficult and its really easy to mess up. So check out these startup fact sheets listed below to help you make sure that your fact sheet is properly drafted, concise, and comprehensive for your target audience.
10+ Startup Fact Sheet Samples
1. Startup Business Fact Sheet
2. Startup Maintenance Fact Sheet
3. Startup Week Fact Sheet
4. Startup Employee Fact Sheet
5. Startup Business Summary Fact Sheet
6. Technology Startup Fact Sheet
7. Startup Programme Fact Sheet
8. Startup Package Fact Sheet
9. Startup Products Fact Sheet
10. Startup Initiative Fact Sheet
11. Startup Challenge Fact Sheet
What Is a Startup Fact Sheet?
A fact sheet is your company’s elevator pitch in the business world. A document that tells your reader enough relevant information they need to get to know your startup business. It works a bit like an advertisement, and it can be used as such, but it only displays facts and information as to why they should care about your new business and the products and services it provides. The concept of a fact sheet is developed to keep up with the continuous decrease of an average person’s attention span. They generally don’t want to read something so long and boring, especially about a new business. Its usually drafted in a visually appealing manner as to not lose the interest of the readers. The public tends to pay more attention to documents that are short, straight to the point, and pleasing to the eyes, or at least, grabs their attention.
How to Write a Startup Fact Sheet
What makes writing a fact sheet complicated is the fact that you are compressing so much information into a single document. While making sure that the presentation is clear, easy to follow and make sense of. There are some key components you have to follow to ensure this, or else, your fact sheet would just lead to more confusion than clarity. These key components will be discussed more in detail below.
The header also serves as the title of your fact sheet. It can be your company or business’s name, it can be something you made-up, it’s up to you, as long as it makes sense, but it’s safer to just go for the name of your company as your title. Also make sure to use bold and striking fonts. We want to grasp their attention immediately and a good title combined with striking fonts will do just that.
Company description
After the title, begin your fact sheet with a short description of your company. What it is, what products and services you offer. Basic information like contact information and location or base of operations. You can also include a brief history or how your company came to be. What inspired you to start it and such. Just make sure that it’s brief. Don’t slap a bunch of information there because this is a document with roughly one to two pages. We have to be straight to the point.
Vision and Mission statements
You can briefly include and explain your mission and vision values. But it is better to have it as your slogan or tagline, leave some sense of mystery to it, leave the explanation when they genuinely want to know more about your company and its products.
Describe your products and services
After all that, this is supposed to be the main body of your fact sheet. Take more time and effort in describing your products, why you chose to provide these services in your area, what benefits the customers will gain after purchasing your products and such. Make them want to think that they need your product. Yes there is a bit of marketing and advertising happening here but that is kind of the point.
What does fact sheet mean?
A fact sheet is a single or two-page document that contains relevant and factual information about a given subject. It can be about a certain product, service, company, and even a country.
Where is a fact sheet used?
Fact sheets are usually used to provide information to consumers, clients, investors, or just to the general public.
What is a personal fact sheet?
Personal fact sheets are a great way to know where you stand and what your status is. Its used to organize personal and financial information for you to use or for someone else if you are unable to do so, like in the event of your death.
Making sure that your new business will succeed, now that’s a daunting task. You just never know what’s gonna happen and frankly, most of the time you’ll be going in blind. Making an effective elevator pitch or a fact sheet is one step into ensuring the prosperity of your startup business. We wish you good luck!