A school is like a community, it consists of different kinds of people from young to teenage students, teachers, parents, and other school workers such as cleaning and cafeteria staff. Students make up the most number of the population and are the most vulnerable. So it is important to keep track of each and every student who is enrolled in the school in case of emergencies. In order to do that the school’s administration records all this information in a student datasheet. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start preparing this data sheet, check out our free student data sheet samples that are downloadable on this page.

10+ Student Data Sheet Samples

1. Student Data Sheet Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


2. College Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


3. General Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 273 KB


4. Science Research Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 116 KB


5. Student Data Collection Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 113 KB


6. Student Data Sheet in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


7. School Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


8. International Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


9. Returning Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


10. Student Enrollment Data Sheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


11. New Student Data Sheet

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 56 KB


What Is a Student Data Sheet?

Basically, a data sheet is widely used by organizations to record different kinds of things. The most prominent of such is to store information regarding specifications of different items or products. Another term for it is a spec sheet which is used to describe the performance and technicalities of a certain machine or equipment. So generally it is used to record or transcript certain information to be used as a reference to whatever purpose it may serve.

When a student is enrolled in a school or university, it is the school’s prerogative to create a student file that would store all the necessary information that is deemed important. A student data sheet is a document that contains basic information regarding an enrolled student. Anyone associated with an organization is required to have a file that is collected by the administration. Parents are usually tasked to provide all the information asked by the school.

How to Create a Student Data Sheet

Before the school can secure certain information regarding their students they must first ask their guardian or the parent’s permission. Although this is common practice in most organizations, it is still proper to secure approval first since the information supplied is sensitive and may be used for other illegal purposes. So what information does the school require from its students and must be recorded in a student data sheet? Let us discuss this further below to give you an idea on how to create one.

1. Basic Information

Information in a student data sheet may be different per school. But here are the common facts that are usually included in any student record.

  • Student’s Name
  • Current Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Parent’s or Guardian’s Name
  • Contact Number(s)
  • Email address (student or guardian)

2. Background or History

For higher education, such as universities or colleges, the school may require information regarding the student’s elementary and high school background. They may need the name of the school(s) the student attended, and the school year attended.

3. Photograph

The student’s photograph is usually attached to the datasheet for easy reference.

4. Accuracy and Data Privacy

Include a clause that would state that all information supplied is accurate and complete and that the school is allowed to collect information for specific purposes. This is to ensure whoever has filled up the form is held accountable for false information and the school has to abide by its data privacy policy. A signature is required at the end of the document.


Why Should Schools Record Personal Information from their Students?

Usually, basic information is collected by the school as proof they are enrolled in the school. Also, the information can be used to contact guardians in case of any emergencies.

Where do the school keep their student’s data sheet?

Datasheets are kept on file on a computer, for a more modern take. Or perhaps some schools may also want to print out a physical record in case online files get corrupted.

What Is Data Privacy?

This is the ability to control personal information, and to what extent can be it shared or communicated to others.

It is mandatory for schools to keep a record of students by creating a student data sheet. The information provided will serve as a reference for any future purposes. To make it easier for you to create one, don’t forget to download our free templates above!