Keeping up with your fitness is a goal that is strongly encouraged by many health experts. Indeed, they have every reason to espouse this positive habit since it keeps your mind and body in good condition, and therefore helps you from getting sick. But for most people, this is easier said than done given that their busy schedules often prevent them from incorporating workouts as part of their daily routines. But with the help of these Sample Sheets below and some encouraging tips on how to stick to your exercise regimen, you can definitely achieve your fitness goals with ease.

Insanity Workout Program Sheet

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Size: 135KB


Gym Workout Program Sheet

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Size: 62KB


Blank Workout Program Sheet

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Size: 10KB


When you are in the process of creating a fitness program or schedule for yourself, you should first consult with a physician or a fitness trainer to determine the current state of your body, and whether your endurance levels are strong enough to perform exercises that are rigorous in nature.

Consulting with health experts beforehand will also give you insight on how to plot your workout schedule in such a way that it will not conflict with your daily obligations. Using some of these Sample Workout Sheets as reference, take note of these tips when you’ve completed the creation of your own fitness plan:

  • Understand your motivations. Ask yourself why you want to commit to your fitness and your answers should serve as the catalyst to drive your motivations ever forward.
  • Go at your own pace. It’s essential to remember that you must always be aware of your physical limitations, so don’t force or pressure yourself to push yourself harder.
  • Stay focused. Once you’re in the middle of a workout session, your attention should be fixed on going through the exercises and clearing your mind of any distractions.
  • Keep it fun. Just because you’re exercising for a few hours doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Put some energy into the proceedings by listening to music while you’re working out.

Weight Lifting Workout Program Sheet

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Size: 232KB


Soccer Workout Program Sheet

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Size: 2MB


Free Printable Workout Program Sheet

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  • XLS

Size: 39KB


Similar to how Employee Timesheets work, workout plans are intended to make people stick to a timetable that keeps them focused on their fitness. When a schedule is in place, you’ll unconsciously make it into a habit that, in the future, you probably won’t even notice that you’re exercising regularly without looking at your plan.

Before you leave to complete your own workout schedule, here are more tips to help you ensure you definitely stick to your planned program.

  • Have a support system. If your friends and family members want to join you in your fitness routine, then consider this as a good thing because they will help you stay on track.
  • Document your journey. Keep a journal and write down your thoughts and feelings after every workout, as well as any visible changes like weight loss and improved muscle tone.
  • Treat yourself. Keep things balanced by giving yourself a cheat day where you can celebrate a week of grueling workouts by eating a nice selection of all your guilty pleasures.
  • Be realistic. Don’t expect immediate changes after just a week or a month. Things like building muscle or losing weight take time and effort, so always remember to be patient.

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