Frank Lloyd Wright: “Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods, and men, to put man into possession of his own Earth. It is at least the geometric pattern of things, of life, of the human and social world. It is at best that magic framework of reality that we sometimes touch upon when we use the word order.”

Taking an architectural practice appears to be similar to a roller coaster as you have so much responsibility when it comes to determining the perfect layout of a house, or any other type of building, and facilitate specific functions. Before entering the architecture school you prefer, you need to work on writing a compelling and effective statement of purpose for your graduate school. In this article, we include an informative guide and printable architecture statement of purpose templates that you can use. Please continue reading!

FREE 10+ Architecture Statement of Purpose Samples

1. Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 125 KB


2. Sample Architecture Design Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 42 KB


3. Architecture Program Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


4. Software Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


5. Architecture Personal Statement of Purpose Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 61 KB


6. Computer Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 22 KB


7. Graduate Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


8. Sample Architecture Services Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 224 KB


9. Church Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

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  • PDF

Size: 871 KB


10. Architecture Board Statement of Purpose Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 227 KB


11. College Architecture Statement of Purpose Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 KB


What is an Architecture Statement of Purpose?

An architecture statement of purpose is a sincere and aesthetically-designed essay of a student or a person who is applying for an admission to his or her preferred architecture school with the aim of acquiring a specific Graduate or Masters degree. Otherwise known as a graduate school statement or personal statement, it is crucial to submit this literary writing to a graduate school admissions essay committee in architecture, providing them with the essential details about an applicant’s background and the reason why the applicant is deserving to be accepted into their architecture school.

How to Write an Architecture Statement of Purpose  

Writing a literary piece sample paper like a statement of purpose is identical when you start sculpting with an inert mass or clay but in the structure of words.  As you are shaping and molding it, you are anticipating that some dimension of form, sensation, and movement will come into view. Below are important ways you can do to write an impressive architecture statement of purpose for your graduate or masters school application:

1. Read the instructions carefully

One of the fundamental aspects that you need to consider is to read the instructions carefully. You might think that this is just as simple as ABC. However, each graduate school sample application in architecture school will throw you some questions in miscellaneous ways as each graduate program has shifting expectations of architecture students and different modes of approaches. So, we suggest that you avoid word-processing one statement of purpose while presenting it to every architecture college program. 

2. Gather ideas and concepts from your family and friends

Your personal essay or statement of purpose for your graduate or masters school application in your preferred architecture school should be written in a stimulating and charming style that will fully earn the interest of the reader. If you are in hot water while pondering a specific main idea or primary concept for your statement of purpose, you can gather good ideas from your family and friends because they view them distinctively from the way you look at yourself and other aspects in life.

3. Be motivated on your abilities, personal experiences, and influences

Christine Caine said: “Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried but you’ve actually been planted.” Perhaps there are moments that you may feel bored, sad, or apathetic about yourself.  So, try to get some inspiration from your life experiences, influences, and abilities. Whether you experienced painful moments in your past or you still have been encountering some challenging situations right now, these things can also help you ignite your creative senses. So, write the essential details down. 

4. Constructing drafts and editing

The purpose of constructing drafts for your statement of purpose for your graduate school in architecture is to take vision and strategy implementation adjacent together, trying to coordinate all of the integral elements in your writing. Figure out what went wrong and why your vision and implementation have not made the right order. If you are able to realize the issues, you can set them straight right away through quality editing.


What is a position statement in architecture?

A position statement in architecture is an effective statement which helps a person who has a professional architectural practice to set him apart from others. It also identifies the person, his role and responsibilities, and many more.

How to explain an architectural concept? 

Use some clear and descriptive terms related to architecture. Then, explain the idea, notion, opinion, inspiration, intention, theory, image or plan of the concept. Also, you can support your architectural concept through the use of design sample brief and building typology. Define the overall structure, materials, fixture and fittings, exterior and interior, the landscape, and other important aspects.

What are the most integral aspects of architecture design?

The most integral aspects of architecture design review are aesthetics and functionality. Aesthetics focuses on the nature and expression of beauty and style. On the other hand, functionality pertains to the use of a design which significantly helps the users reach their goals and needs, as it is well-crafted in such a way that it will consistently and reliably execute a specific function.

How to write a good personal statement for a Masters course?

You should use a natural and positive tone in order to create an appealing application. So, when writing your introductory paragraph, make it refreshing and fun to read. Also, use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Rather than using verbose terms, consider using simple and clear language. 

Developing  your architecture statement of purpose and graduate or masters school applications can be nerve-racking. But, think carefully and try your best to focus exclusively on writing your own statement of purpose. Understand the proper elements of a well-crafted narrative for your college essay. If you are determined to build astonishing works of buildings in the future, you need to learn how to handle complexity in the art of design and in writing your statement of purpose as well. To help you write a clear and effective statement of purpose for a graduate school application in architecture, you can follow the tips aforementioned in this article and click and download our architecture statement of purpose examples here!