Experts in continuous improvement are responsible for identifying and implementing solutions to problems that develop in their own businesses or for the benefit of their clients’ enterprises. The accumulation of a varied array of instruments, approaches, methods, and procedures is the desired means of reaching this aim, according to the authors of the paper. Continuous improvement practitioners must be able to forecast and accomplish effective results in their job in order to be successful. In order to be successful, they must be able to create the conditions that will allow change to occur. It is true that the devil is in the details, which makes working in continuous improvement both thrilling and challenging at the same time, to borrow a common saying. When it comes to improvement initiatives, there is one “small devil” that is all too often overlooked: the obligation to develop an effective issue statement at the commencement of any project.

A considerable number of businesses and organizations are putting their process improvement efforts to work in order to make changes in the way they do their daily business and operational operations, according to the International Business Times. The efficiency of a process improvement project is impacted by a variety of elements, but one of the most significant things to consider is the identification of the problem that needs to be addressed. Putting together a problem statement and learning how to build one may be quite valuable when working on process improvement efforts. This article provides an example of a problem statement in its entirety with the aim of explaining what a problem statement is and the most significant components of a problem statement, as well as the most important components of a problem statement.

5+ Army Problem Statement Samples

1. Army Problem Statement

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Size: 2 MB


2. Army Future Command Problem Statement

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Size: 897 KB


3. Army Movement Problem Statement

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Size: 507 KB


4. Senior Army Problem Statement

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Size: 1 MB


5. Army Infrastructure Problem Statement

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Size: 633 KB


6. Army Research Problem Statement

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  • DOC

Size: 28 KB


What Is an Army Problem Statement?

According to Alan Bryman, who wrote an article that was published in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, the following is an adaption of that work. Bryman’s essay was published in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology. The term “problem” refers to a situation in which there is cause for concern, a condition that must be addressed, a task that must be overcome, or a troubling question that arises either theoretically or practically. A problem statement is a short explanation of the problem or obstacles that the project is attempting to address in its most basic form. As stated in the issue description, it is required to describe the current state, the predicted future state, as well as any gaps that may exist between the current and projected states. The current state is defined as follows: Having a problem statement is critical when it comes to project communication because it ensures that everyone involved in the project is aware of the problem they are attempting to address and understands the significance of the project as a whole.

Elements of an Army Problem Statement

An effective problem statement is critical to the success of a process improvement project since it aids in the identification of the project’s objectives as well as the determination of the scope of the project. The activities and choices made by the individuals who are involved in the project also contribute to the overall direction of the project’s development. By developing a problem statement, a company or organization may get support and buy-in for a process improvement project, allowing the project to move forward more effectively.

  1. Ideal situation
    While drafting your issue statement, think about what the ideal situation would be if there were no problems that needed to be solved. This will help you choose where you should begin. This section contains an overview of the project’s objectives and scope, among other information. The following is a table of contents: It will be extremely beneficial for the reader to be able to build a clear picture of what the ideal environment would look like once the problem has been resolved before reading this section.
  2. Reality
    You should explain the current state of things in your company or organization in the next section of your issue statement if your firm or organization is currently dealing with a problem, which you should do in the next portion of your issue statement. This part will specifically define the problem, explain why it is a problem, and identify the people who are impacted by the situation detailed in this section. Details regarding when and where the problem was identified will also be included in the report.
  3. Consequences
    Is it possible that the current situation will have long-term ramifications? Immediately following the introduction, you should address this issue in the next section of your problem description: There is an explanation of the situation’s effects on individuals who are impacted by it, as well as a quantitative estimate of the extent to which the problem has an influence on those who are impacted by it. Another typical effect of business decisions is the waste of time, money, or resources. Other common outcomes include the loss of competitive advantage or productivity, among other things.
  4. Proposal
    Consider the fact that the proposal component of a problem statement may contain a number of appropriate solutions to the problem; yet, it is not essential to propose a single solution to the problem in order to be successful. The proposal part should teach the project team how to analyze, study, and respond to the problem in order to accomplish the intended objectives, which will help the project team achieve success. With your reasons in the proposal portion, you should be succinct and to the point with your writing.


How to write a problem statement?

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Begin your statement with your ideal situation
  3. Describe current gaps
  4. State the consequences of the problem
  5. Propose addressing the problem

Why is it so hard to write a problem statement?

Dealing with the numerous distractions that may occur from a number of sources is a key issue when developing a convincing problem statement. Extremely effective issue statements must be completely free of any and all sources of causes, remedies, or blame, and they must also be carefully evaluated to ensure that symptoms do not become a distraction from the main focus of the problem while they are being composed.

What is in a problem statement?

A discrepancy between the present state-level of performance and the level of performance that is intended to be attained at some point in the future should be expressly indicated as something that should be avoided in the problem description. As opposed to the example above, the problem description should provide absolute or relative measurements of the problem that quantify the difference between them. This is different from providing potential causes and treatments.

It is not just a significant commercial competency, but it is also a required life ability to be able to craft a compelling issue statement. How can children, adolescents, and adults begin to work toward resolving their difficulties if they do not have a clear grasp of their problems? Those who work in the subject of continuous growth will find the fact that the 5W2H technique is largely thought to be unsuccessful to be of particular interest. In its outward appearance, it appears to be a basic process (what, when, where, why, who, how, and how much). You must follow all of the essential steps in order to ask all of the relevant questions in the proper order, and the answers you obtain will lead you to an excellent issue formulation.