To run a business successfully, you need to have your eye on the ball at all times. You can do this through a business analysis. Business analysis is used to discover and communicate the need for change in how businesses operate, as well as to help organizations implement that change. After completely studying and comprehending everything within a company, an individual may identify and clarify any difficulties and problems, determine the needs, and give solutions and suggestions that help the organization accomplish its objectives and deliver value to stakeholders. This is done by business analysts; they assist organizations in improving their processes and systems.

They perform research and analysis to provide answers to business challenges and assist in the implementation of these systems into organizations and their customers. If you want to establish a business analysis, you would need a problem statement too. Look no further! In this article, we provide you with free and ready-to-use samples of Business Analysis Problem Statements in PDF formats that you could use for your convenience. Keep on reading to find out more!

7+ Business Analysis Problem Statement Samples

1. Business Analysis Research Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


2. Business Community Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


3. Business Case Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 516 KB


4. Business Case Analysis Team Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 556 KB


5. Business Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 718 KB


6. Business Product Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


7. Sample Business Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 451 KB


8. Business Project Analysis Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 MB


What Is a Business Analysis Problem Statement?

Business analysis is a study field that focuses on defining business requirements and finding solutions to issues. With this in mind, a business analysis problem statement highlights the problem that a company is facing as well as the potential solution. It may be thought of as a beginning point for developing a product vision. It is a statement of a present problem that must be solved, as well as the background for the problems that will be addressed.

How to Make a Business Analysis Problem Statement

You should write a problem statement once the company has concluded that a problem is worth pursuing in its investigation. A problem statement is a single sentence that combines four important parts to communicate the situation at hand. A Business Analysis Problem Statement template could provide you with a framework that you could use rather than starting from scratch. To help you ensure that you have a robust and well-written problem statement, you can sure one of our excellent templates listed above! Other than that, should you write one from scratch, check out these tips below to guide you:

1. Define the issue.

The fundamental goal of a business problem statement is to define the problem. In layman’s words, summarize your dilemma. Avoiding industrial jargon and buzzwords is strongly recommended. Anything longer than 3-5 sentences in length should be avoided in the summary.

2. Provide an analysis of the problem.

Including data and results from surveys, industry trends, consumer demographics, staffing reports, and other sources of information will help the reader grasp the situation more clearly. These sources should explain your problem and how it affects various aspects of your company.

3. Make a suggestion for a solution.

The conclusion of your business problem statement should be a solution to the previously mentioned problem. The answer should explain how the existing situation may be made better. In a problem statement, elaborate activities and steps should be avoided.

4. Take into account the target audience.

It is critical to consider the reader while creating your business analysis problem statement or any formal document. Write your issue statement with the reader’s understanding of the scenario, requirements, and expectations in mind.


What constitutes an effective problem statement?

A issue statement should indicate a discrepancy between present and intended performance levels. A issue statement should include absolute or relative measures of the problem that quantify the gap, but not causes or remedies.

What are the four steps in the business analysis process?

It assists you in comprehending the company’s structure and dynamics. The steps for doing a business analysis are as follows: Enterprise analysis, Requirement planning and management, Requirement elicitation, and Requirement analysis and documentation are some of the topics covered in this course.

The business analysis problem statement, in general, identifies the current condition, the intended future state, and any gaps in between. To help you get started with this, download our easily customizable and comprehensive Business Analysis Problem Statement samples today!