A purpose statement is important for every company to have to provide a clear sense of direction of where the company aims to be. Through this, it can motivate employees to do their job well since they are aware of the purpose of their work to make the company better. If you’re starting out on how to write a purpose statement and you don’t know what to write, you’re in luck because this article can help you make one. Keep reading the article on how to make a company purpose statement.

3+ Company Purpose Statement Samples

1. Company Developing Purpose Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


2. Company Mission Vision Purpose Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Company Program Mission Purpose Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


4. Company Future Purpose Vision Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 264 KB


What is a Company Purpose Statement?

A company purpose statement, also sometimes called a position statement, describes the reason why the company exists, points out its values and principles, and its impact on its clients or customers.

A company purpose statement can be a basis for a mission purpose statement that focuses on motivating employees to do their service better. It usually points out the goals and purpose of the employees for the company’s success. Another thing is that it could a value statement. A value statement focuses more on the culture and principles that guide and direct employees on how they should do their jobs.

How to Make a Purpose Statement?

1. Determine Why the Company Was Established in the First Place

Before you’re going to make a purpose your statement, find out why the company was established. Why was it made? Is it to improve the lives of its clients? Is it to address an issue or concern and your company was able to help solve through its services or products? You can base your company statement on the answers you’ll conjure from those questions.

Another thing to keep in mind is to know your customers or clients. They are who you provide your products or services to. The purpose statement must also be about them. To statement must speak about their interests or drive with the products or services you have that benefit them.

2. Know Your Products

Getting to know your products and services is key to make your company’s purpose statement. You need to determine what factors do your products and services have touched the lives of your clients or made your customers stick to patronizing your products or availing your services.

3. Determine What Separates You From the Competiton

Another thing to keep in mind when making a purpose statement is to outline what makes you stand out from your competition. Think of the attributes that are exclusive in your company.

4. Finalize the Purpose Statement

After you have taken note of the points above, it’s now time to finalize the purpose statement.

Uses for a purpose statement

A purpose statement is important because it helps make clear what the organization is all about, which is beneficial to both customers and employees. Companies may use a purpose statement to:

  • It increases motivation for employees. Employees are more likely motivated to work more efficiently and care much more about the company as they will understand the purpose of how their clients can benefit from their roles in the company,
  • The company can easily meet its goals. If every employee of the company what direction it wants to follow and what it is trying to achieve, it will make much more sense for them to strive hard as their work contribution can bring the success of the company,
  • Establish employee loyalty. Make your employees feel appreciated in all their endeavors. Mentor your employees and praise them for their hard work and achievement.
  • Lastly, it can separate the company from its competition. The company will have its own purpose and values that might not be existent from other companies and this will become obvious if the employees’ work ethics align with the company’s values.


What is a good vision statement?

A good vision statement must be written in the present tense and must picture itself that it has already reached its vision.

What are the four core values that companies should have?

The four core values that companies should have are integrity, respect, innovation, and drive for success.

To help make your purpose statement gripping, form a committee of employees from all departments to give their recommendations and views on what to put in the purpose statement. It can also help you lessen the burden of the task of drafting the statement. If you’re confident enough to start writing the statement now, refer to our sample company purpose statement templates above. They are free to download so you can go ahead and download them in just a nick of time.