When a construction project is underway, the bills and expenses start pouring in. Every construction project plan includes a budgeting plan which will determine the estimated amount to be spent for the project. When we talk about expenses this would mean construction materials, heavy equipment rentals, manpower, and other relevant expenses incurred during the course of the construction project. To make sure all expenses or overhead are accounted for and guaranteed to be paid each contractor, vendor, and supplier should be able to draw up a complete construction billing statement. This document shows the current balance on the account and the date by when the account must be paid to avoid finance charges. Learn and read more about this below and if you need any help with that billing statement you are working on, check out our free construction billing statement samples that are available for download on this page.
10+ Construction Billing Statement Samples
1. Construction Billing Statement Template

2. Sample Construction Billing Statement Template

3. Construction Billing Statement Summary
4. Construction Billing Request Statement
5. Construction Summary Billing Statement
6. Construction Company Billing Statement
7. Construction Interpreter Billing Statement
8. Third Party Construction Billing Statement
9. Construction Billing Rights Statement
10. Construction Program Billing Statement
11. Construction Customer Billing Statement
What Is a Construction Billing Statement?
Working on construction no matter how small or big would always generate expenses. If you are the owner or the general project manager as the construction begins, then you would expect the billing statements to come pouring in. And as a contractor or supplier, or whatever official business you have with the construction site it is your duty to take note of the purchases made in regards to the project. To ensure you are paid on time, proper invoicing is a crucial step in managing your accounts receivables. Creating accurate and timely construction billing statements can help you get paid sooner. These statements should generally include the details about the goods or services and their corresponding prices or rates.
How To Prepare a Construction Billing Statement?
Every construction business handles its finances differently, which would mean any relevant information in the billing statement or invoices could change quite a bit depending on the work performed. Regardless of what sort of billing processes a construction business practices, the most important factor here for contractors and suppliers is that they get paid for the goods or services they have provided without further delay. Creating a professional and completely detailed construction billing statement is not a difficult task as long as you have all the information you need. However, here are several tips to help you create an accurate construction billing statement for your clients.
I. Detailed and Accurate
If you don’t want to risk further delays with the payment, it is important that the statements are complete with the right information such as the description of the goods or services, the prices, and quantities, basic information of both parties such as their names and contact details and lastly the dates and payment terms and schedules. Should the need arise, you can attach a reference such as the initial quotation you have sent to the client. This would provide a reference on how the pricing has been determined.
II. Penalties
In some cases, you can impose penalties for late payments depending of course on the construction policies or what was initially agreed upon between both parties. Yet imposing penalties can help expedite payments.
III. Payment Terms
The payment terms just like the penalties would depend on what was stated on the agreement or proposal submitted by the supplier or contractors. Although it is a well-known thought that payment won’t come that fast in the construction industry it’s not a bad thing to include it since like everyone else you too are just doing your business and would need to replenish your cash flow.
IV. Review the Document
If you want to be paid right away, and there would be no need to clarify things on your end then make sure to go over and review the document. This is to ensure that no details have been left out as one of the main reasons that some contractors or anyone doing business may experience setbacks on their payments because of discrepancies or that clients demand additional information or have other requests.
V. Send It as Quick as Possible
Once you are positive that you have everything covered in your statements or invoices then be sure to send in your invoice as quickly as possible. The earlier the better, while everything is still fresh on your client’s mind.
VI. Keeping Tabs
Remember to always document every goods sold or service rendered and all the billing statements or invoices in case of any future discrepancies.
What Is a Construction Project?
This is a complex net of construction contracts and other legal obligations, each of which all parties must carefully consider.
Why are Invoices Important?
Invoices are important for bookkeeping purposes, other than that this document provides evidence that products and services are delivered and establish a company’s right to payment.
What Is a Construction Proposal?
This is a written offer from a bidder to the owner, preferably on a prescribed proposal form, to perform the work and to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and/or services for the prices and terms quoted by the bidder.
After rending your services or supplying the proper goods/materials to a construction project the next step is to get paid. So start working on that construction billing statement now with the help of your templates you can download on this page.
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