7+ Electrical Method Statement Samples
Electrical method is a geophysical prospecting method that depends on the electrical or electrochemical properties of rocks. The resistivity, spontaneous-polarization, induced-polarization, and inductive-electromagnetic methods are the principal electrical methods. A multitude of electrical methods are used in mineral exploration. They depend on electrochemical activity, resistivity changes, or permittivity effects. Some materials tend to become natural batteries that generate natural electric currents whose effects can be measured. With the complexity of this matter, it is important for everyone in this field to plan the effective methods that would be proposed and reflected in an Electrical Method Statement. In making this, our site offers you templates for Electrical Method Statements in order for you not to make this from the very scratch. Just browse through this article and choose the one that satisfies your needs the most.
For other statement templates, we are also offering templates like Legal Purpose Statement, Work Method Statement, Teacher Statement of Purpose, Research Proposal Problem Statement, Management Problem Statement, Acknowledgement Statement, Apology Statement, Data Privacy Statement, University Statement of Purpose and etc. This article will not only give you available templates to choose from but also provide you with essential topics and details about your Electrical method statement.
1. Electrical Health And Safety Method Statement
2. Electrical Motor Replacement Method Statement
3. Electrical Circuit Installation Method Statement
4. Electrical Testing Method Statement
5. Electrical Safe Work Method Statement
6. Electrical Installation Method Statement
7. Electrical Appliance Inspection Method Statement
8. Electrical Health And Safety Policy Method Statement
Electrical Method
Electrical methods generally do not penetrate far into the Earth, and so do not yield much information about its deeper parts. They do, however, provide a valuable tool of exploring for many metal ores.
In addition, several electrical methods are used in boreholes. The self-potential (SP) log indicates mainly clay (shale) content, because an electrochemical cell is established at the shale boundary when the salinity of the borehole (drilling) fluid differs from that of the water in the rock. Resistivity measurements are made by using several electrode configurations and also by induction. Borehole methods are used to identify the rocks penetrated by a borehole and to determine their properties, especially their porosity and the nature of their interstitial fluids. With this being taken, here are some of the information that you might want to consider in making your statement.
Electrical Method Statement
A method statement is a document that describes how to do a task safely. It describes in a logical sequence exactly how a job is to be carried out in a safe manner and without risks to health. It includes all the risks identified in the risk assessment and the measures needed to control those risks.1Electrical method statement is used for safe implementation and construction of electrical works. Before performing any electrical engineering activity one must prepare a method statement for electrical work that will describe scope of work, references, responsibilities, required materials and resources.
How do you write a method statement for a project?
The project.
The activity.
Date of assessment.
Hazards (or reference to relevant risk assessment)
Work procedure and control measures.
Sequence of work.
Access provisions.
Security and safety of others.
Who should write the method statement?
It is a legal requirement for any business with five or more employees to have a written risk assessment and method statement before carrying out any work.
What is the purpose of a method statement?
The purpose of method statements is to describe the safety precautions to put in place to control risks identified in the risk assessment. They detail the equipment to use during projects, and the control equipment and PPE required to keep workers and site visitors safe while tasks are ongoing.
Making this statement is not an easy job, you need to consider a lot of factors in choosing and presenting your electrical method. With this, it is much recommendable to utilize all available resources online to make your job easier. Doing this for the safety of everyone is beyond what a noble job means. What are you waiting for? Avail our templates now!