Incidents are prone to happen in a workplace that is caused by misunderstandings, accidents, and natural calamities which can disrupt business operations and at some point compromise the safety of the employees. Employee-related incidents can vary from conflict with other colleagues or clients, harassment, work performance, accidents, and many more. These can cause damage, injuries and can be a traumatic experience for some. Whenever an incident would occur, an investigation is quickly underway, and an employee is required to submit an employee incident statement to help record the details of the incident and aid the investigation process. This statement can be used to support any legal action if the need should arise. Read more about this below and don’t forget to check out our free employee incident statement samples which are available for download on this page.
10+ Employee Incident Statement Samples
1. Employee Incident Investigation Statement
2. Employee Statement of Incident
3. Employee Incident Investigation Report Statement
4. Employee Incident Witness Statement
5. Employee Covid-19 Incident Statement
6. Employee Injury Incident Statement
7. Employee Incident Statement Form
8. Employee Incident Report Statement
9. Sample Employee Incident Statement
10. Employee Compensation Incident Statement
11. Standard Employee Incident Statement
What Is an Employee Incident Statement Sample?
An incident statement is a document that is used to record information about a police report or accident. This is known to be used in law enforcement, or when you file an insurance claim. But of course, this can be also used whenever an incident occurs in an office or workplace setting. The statement simply consists of the events that transpired before, during, and after the incident has occurred. As well as details of the employee and other witnesses involved. It’s a sort of document that records an employee’s first-hand experience of the accident or incident. And this is particularly important for a company’s HR department so they may keep a record of this incident statement which may help with the incident investigation or serve as proof or evidence. And this could be included in an overall investigation report conducted by the HR department or other relevant entities. Its primary purpose is to uncover the circumstances and conditions that led to the event in order to prevent future incidents.
How To Create an Employee Incident Statement?
As much as possible it would be best to record an employee incident statement right after the incident has occurred. This will give individuals involved a clear picture of what transpired during that episode. By recording details immediately, you improve the accuracy of your statement and the effects of your corrective actions. While it may take a few days to complete your report, it should take you only hours to start it. The employee should have personal knowledge of the issues in the case or incident or expertise about the dispute. So when creating an employee incident statement these should include the following details:
- Basic details of the incident such as the dates, time, location, and the name of the person reporting(employee should include their complete name, rank, or department, contact number)
- Names of the people involved in the incident including any witnesses.
- Describe the facts of the incident (before, during, and after the incident). Please include all information that may be relevant. The statement must be thorough and objective.
- Should you have any evidence, this should be given out in a logical order.
- Labeled attachments if you refer to documents in your statement.
What Is A Witness Statement?
This is a document that contains a person’s account of the facts in a case. It is a written summary of the evidence of a witness.
What Is an Incident Report?
An incident report is a document that records the facts related to a workplace accident, injury, or near miss.
Why Is an Incident Report Important?
Recording of incidents is important to help the investigating team assess the situation and help them create policies that will avert any future emergencies. Reporting them provides a way to monitor potential problems and root causes as they recur.
As much as possible we all want to work in a safe office environment, but as mentioned it is hard to totally eliminate any source of incidents or accidents. By submitting an employee incident statement will help management ensure a safe and healthy working environment not just for the staff but the overall well-being of the entire company.