10+ Engineering Problem Statement Samples

Engineers make use of their knowledge in mathematics, technology, and science to study, evaluate, and develop complicated systems. Whatever the specialization would be — software, mechanical, civil, or others — being an engineer boils down to solving problems. This is why engineers use Engineering Problem Statements to negotiate. It is critical to the success of projects. Without problem statements, it would be difficult communicating clear, simple terms about the tasks being paid for and what must be completed conceptually for the project to succeed. Taking those into account, we have prepared free 10+ Engineering Problem Statement Samples to help you! These are totally easy to download and edit too! Keep on reading this article to learn more.

1. Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 479 KB


2. Manufacturing Systems Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


3. Sample Mechanical Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 951 KB


4. Computer Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


5. Basic Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 112 KB


6. Engineering Problem Statement Format

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Engineering Research Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


8. Standard Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 215 KB


9. Software Engineering Problem Statement Template

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  • PDF

Size: 445 KB


10. Engineering Design Problem Statement Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


11. Engineering Problem Statement Outline

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


What Is an Engineering Problem Statement?

The engineer and the client negotiate with the help of an Engineering Problem Statement. With as little as one or two sentences, it describes the present issue that has to be fixed as soon as possible. This sample statement is entirely objective, focusing solely on the facts of the problem and omitting any subjective viewpoints. In software engineering, the problem statement is very important to succeed in the project; it helps both developers and stakeholders to have a mutual understanding about the project to be made. It is also important to remember that the problem statement doesn’t only aim to define the issue, but also solve it in a speedy, productive manner.

How to Make an Engineering Problem Statement

Engineers create new goods, systems, or settings to solve problems. It is critical to define the problem prior to creating anything. Otherwise, you might develop something just to discover that it falls short of your expectations. If you’re interested in creating an engineering problem statement but you’re not sure how to start, check out the free templates provided above to help you. Aside from that, here are the following steps you should consider doing to guide you in writing your own Engineering Problem Statement:

1. Explain the process and the problem.

Giving context is much important if you want to get your point across and have the current issue understood. Begin by describing how this particular procedure should be carried out. Explain the who, what, when, where, and why. When addressing the issue, however, the problem statement should explain what the issue is, who it affects, and why it needs to be resolved. You could also include what attempts to tackle the problem have already been made and why they have failed. Explain everything you know about the current problem in as few words as possible.

2. Provide evidence.

You must prepare proof to back up your claim on how the problem affects the firm and the project. Doing so would be professional and encouraging. This is also especially important when dealing with how the problem affects finances. Prepare to present your findings by referencing your sources and doing your research.

3. Propose a solution and describe its advantages.

Of course, defining the issue isn’t enough; you also need to offer a solution. It’s not necessary to focus all of your attention on just one if you have a few of viable solutions to the problem. You would also have to encourage why these solutions are the best options. Provide the benefits. Declare your goals by presenting well-thought-out solutions to the challenge. Demonstrate why this approach will work, concentrating on efficiency and financial effect.

4. Summarize.

After all these, it’s time to summarize. The problem, why it needs to be fixed, and a profile summary argument for why your solution is the best solution to the problem should all be included in the conclusion.


What is the engineering process’s purpose?

By definition, the engineering design process manual is a set of processes that engineers employ to solve a problem. Defining the problem, brainstorming solutions, developing and building a prototype of the solution, testing the solution, and improving it are some of the tasks involved.

What methods do engineers use to address problems?

Reverse engineering report sample is a technique used by engineers to address difficulties. For example, by disassembling objects to detect a problem, finding a solution, and then reassembling the object. Engineers understand how things operate, thus they are continuously analyzing and discovering new ways to do so.

What are engineering’s ethical concerns?

Issues that occur during the design of technical products, processes, systems, and services are addressed by engineering design ethics. This includes concerns about security, long-term training plan viability, user autonomy, and privacy. The user phase has gotten a lot of attention in terms of ethical concerns with technology.

In such crucial times, technology advancement has been most helpful to ease up our lifestyles, and this couldn’t be done without engineering. The improvement of healthcare executive summary, modern infrastructures, and latest technology are all contributions from this field. Therefore, problem statements are of big help not only to the engineers, but to the rest of us who benefit from their hard work. May our free, customizable Engineering Problem Statement Samples help in building a better world!