What’s with communication problems? Communication problems are those that refers to the act of having misunderstandings and misinterpretations with regards to a particular matter. This is most common everywhere especially in a workplace between coworkers, among family members, friends, etc. It would also depend on the nature of the problem that would lead to large arguments in all types of relationships. This mostly happens due to the fact that there are certain people rely everything on their own experiences and priorities.

In your workplace, there will be a lot of communication tasks to deal with and you will be obliged to improve the current situation. It does not matter of the work is for a client, for your employer, or for someone else. Somehow, you have to use design processes to solve a particular problem. You must secure a well-articulated design process that will surely help you with having a clear plan for searching for the best solution for the current situation.

You cannot start working with solutions unless you have a very clear definition of what the problem is all about and what you want to achieve. It would require you to have complete communication process with your client. Having a poor communication will lead to a derailed project. The rest of the said process might seem to be straightforward. However, it is still considered normal that if you feel like going back to the previous steps all throughout the process.

9+ Communication Problem Statement Samples

1. Communication Research Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


2. Patient Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Communication Statement of Problem

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


4. Network Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


5. Internal Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 691 KB


6. Organization Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Vehicle Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 505 KB


8. Social Media Communication Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


9. Communication Study Problem Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


10. Communication Need Problem Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 141 KB


Elements in Defining a Problem

According to Barry Hyman’s Problem Formulation model, there are exactly four (4) elements that will help you determine a problem.

  1. Needs statement – this allows you to describe the need for improvement. It even allows you to answer questions pertaining to what seems to be wrong and what negative effects the situation cause. This totally needs a research to be conducted in order to supply the right data.
  2. Goal statement – this would give you a glimpse of what would an improved situation look like once there will be an implemented solution. A goal statement usually defines the scope of the problem. Take note that this does not describe your solution. The more you make your goal broader, the more that you can get numerous solutions for it.
  3. Objectives – this allows you to have a measurable outcome that any solution should optimize. This will provide you with various ways on how you will be looking at the solutions to solve the problem.
  4. Constraints – this allows you to describe the limitations with up to where can your solution adhere. They determine whether a particular solution is considered acceptable or not.

Imagine that your communication task is something that will help you improve a particular solution. Before you start writing a draft, you should be able to define the problem first that you want to solve in a document. You have to understand the need, establish a goal, define objectives, and identify constraints. Always have in mind that this document must be evaluated in terms of how well it responds to a specific problem and how well it meets a goal.


What are the aims of a problem statement?

It aims to communicate the problem to all the members of the group and to help everyone in the good find better solutions.

What is a good communication problem statement?

A good communication problem statement must be clear and actionable. It must be clear so that it can be easily understood by others and actionable so that you will be able to know where to focus your energy on.

What is a typical design process for a communication problem statement?

Define the problem, establish criteria and constraints, brainstorm possible solutions, research, consider alternative solutions, select an approach, develop a proposal, prototype, test and refine the design, and communicate results.

You should always remember that when creating a communication problem statement, you must make use of the factors that will help in crafting a good one. You should also have it written clearly and concisely. If you want to see more samples and format, check out some communication problem statement samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.