If you decide to continue studying and pursue graduate school (or grad school for short) one of requirements is to submit a grad school personal statement. A well-written personal statement can catch  admissions officers attention as they are studying their pool of applicants. This could be one reason for you to be able to successfully enter the school of your choice. In this article, learn more about grad school personal statements and if you need any ready made templates check out our free grad school personal statement samples below:

10+ Grad School Personal Statement Samples

1. Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 221 KB


2. Personal Statement for Grad School

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


3. Sample Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 272 KB


4. Standard Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


5. Formal Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 222 KB


6. Professional Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


7. Grad School Application Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


8. Basic Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 97 KB


9. University Grad School Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120 KB


10. Grad School Research Personal Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


11. Grad School Personal Essay Statement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 14 KB


What Is a Grad School Personal Statement?

Administrators of a graduate school program receive hundreds of applications and can only accommodate a handful per academic year. This is why the selection process requires a submission of a personal statement in hopes to reading your point of view as to what makes you a worthwhile applicant. A grad school personal statement is an essay that contains your goals and passions, what contribution you will bring to the program, and what you’re aspirations. It also gives you an opportunity to portray your personal qualities and characteristics.

How To Write a Grad School Personal Statement?

As much as you want to talk about a lot of things in your grad school personal statement, you should never stray away from your main purpose. Write something distinct to you in your personal essay that has not been touched upon elsewhere in your application as this will show the unique ways you can contribute as an individual. An exceptional graduate school personal statement can come in many forms and styles. Yet, they follow more or less the same content. Let us go through some tips that can help you write a unique personal statement:

I. Research

First and foremost determine what the graduate program committee requires from you. They might need a certain format or topic you must personally dwell and write about.

II. Create a Unique Narrative

A lot of other applicants may have the same academic accomplishments as you, so this is the best time to distinguish yourself. Create a unique narrative about what makes you a strong and worthy applicant. Include specific things about the program that appeal to you, and how you’ll take advantage of those opportunities. As much as possible make your topic relevant to your program of study.

III. Limit Your Topic

There are certain things that are best left out from personal statements. Anything that seem unrelated or sensitive to some point should not be included in your essay, no matter how unique this may seem. Not everyone may share your opinion, compose your essay with a sense of neutrality and set boundaries.

IV. Use Professional Tone

Although this is a personal statement, remember that you are submitting this together with an application in hopes to proceed to the graduate program of your choice. So there is a need to incorporate professionalism in your writing. You need to know when to draw the line between being a professional and your personal opinions.

V. Check On Your Writing

It’s important that your personal statement shows strong writing skills, as a number of universities may require satisfactory writing skills and command of correct use of language. Express yourself clearly and concisely.


What Is a Graduate School?

Right after finishing your degree in college, a graduate school is a further advance program focused on a particular academic discipline or profession.

What Is the Importance of a Personal Statement?

Personal statements is an important requirement for you to get into the university or school of your choice. It is an essay that showcase your personality, experience, achievements, and future ambitions.

What Are the Entrance Requirements for a 4-Year College Degree?

Admission to a college or university generally requires a high school diploma or GED, certain coursework completed at the high school level and minimum aptitude test scores. The exact courses and test score minimums vary between schools. Entrance requirements also include the ability to pay the costs of college, although student loans and financial aid make that possible for many applicants.

Obtaining a graduate degree is one of the best ways to deepened your knowledge in regards to the field of your profession. It adds to the credits and your credentials making it possible for you to seek better job opportunities. Start this off by proving your worth to the academic committee with an effective, thought provoking grad school personal statement.