Perhaps a number of us have experienced witnessing a certain incident, accident, or worst case scenario a crime. This may seem like a burden to some, but being a witness can sometimes help solve an investigation with all the valuable information one may possess. It is also important to record anything that may open up a new line of inquiry or help in corroborating other information. In most cases, a witness is asked to submit an incident witness statement to document or record their story or first-hand experience. This will serve as crucial evidence for any legal action or as a testimony for law enforcement. Learn and read more about this below and if you need to start working on an incident witness statement, check out our free incident witness statement samples made available for download on this page.

10+ Incident Witness Statement Samples

1. Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 111 KB


2. Incident Investigation Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


3. Sample Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 546 KB


4. Incident Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


5. Accident Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


6. Workplace Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


7. Job Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


8. Standard Incident Witness Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12 KB


9. Accident Incident Witness Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 46 KB


10. Incident Statement of Witness

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 360 KB


11. Incident Witness Policy Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


What Is an Incident Witness Statement?

To witness an incident or crime is something we hardly expect to happen. But for the victims, witnesses are important individuals who can help make or break a case or investigation. A witness’ statement may or may not contain valuable information, but it is always important to collect any sort of data from anyone who was in the vicinity. This would serve as evidence that can help build up a case against any assailant or help clear an individual’s name. An incident witness statement should include a detailed report of what the witness has seen, heard, or felt. And as much as possible this should contain facts as not to derail the investigation.

How To Write an Incident Witness Statement?

As mentioned earlier, a case may be won or lost on the strength of the witness evidence and the performance of the witness at trial. Important interim applications may fail if the witness statement does not adequately deal with all of the issues. If you are a witness yourself, before writing down your statement make sure to stay calm and remember all the details that have transpired during the course of the incident. Although it is advisable that witnesses submit their statement as soon as they can, some would find their experience a bit traumatic and may cause a bit of haziness when writing their report. So it is important to give these individuals the right time to calmly collect themselves so they can write a complete and detailed report. Every incident witness statement may differ, but here are some tips to help you write this statement.

I. State The Facts

Remember to always state the facts, if you add unnecessary information this might be used against you. Take note the statement you have provided will help solve a case or investigation. Also, specify the source of the information or belief that is not within your direct knowledge.

II. Avoid Personal Opinions

Unless you are an expert in a particular field, then it is wise to avoid personal opinions that is not relevant to the case.

III. Order of Events

Report the order of the events you have seen, heard, or felt in chronological order. Take your time working on your statement so you may be able to remember every detail.

IV. Evidence

To increase the credibility of your claim and statement, exhibit documentary evidence to support these. Produce evidence that directly supports what you say.

V. Go Over Your Statement

Once you have put everything in order, always go over your statement one more time to make sure you have covered everything. Although in some instances, witnesses are able to add more information later it is still vital that your first statement would reflect your initial afterthought of the incident.


What Is an Eyewitness?

This is an individual who actually sees an act, occurrence, or thing and can give a firsthand account of it.

What Is a Police Report?

A police report is a document that outlines a crime that has taken place, or an arrest.

Why Is An Witnesses Statement Important?

It is important because this will enable investigators to form reasonable grounds to lay a charge and will assist the court in reaching a decision that the charge against an accused person has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Always remember when writing an incident witness statement, you are not only helping solve an investigation or pending case but you are also helping investigators and all relevant entities to establish means and policies to avoid incidents that may create further damage in the future.