It is very essential for every project management or team to agree on a specific problem. Having a poor definition of the problem will sometimes lead to confusion and being unsure of a particular project. Projects must have a goal and that goal should be about producing the final product. It is normal for a certain project to experience issues. It would be best if the management can find a way to overcome those issues in order to achieve the goal which is to produce a final product. For every problem or issue, it is close to impossible to have only one solution. There are a lot of strategies to take. For example, having a SWOT analysis can be one of the good way to identify possible options. In this article, you will be able to know more about management problem statements that are in lined with project making, production, and system monitoring.
10+ Management Problem Statement Samples
1. Risk Management Problem Statement
2. Change Management Problem Statement
3. Management System Problem Statement
4. Management Research Problem Statement
5. Joint Management Problem Statement
6. Retail Management Problem Statement
7. Construction Management Problem Statement
8. Hotel Management System Problem Statement
9. Healthcare Management Analysis Problem Statement
10. Project Management Problem Statement
11. Supply Chain Management Problem Statement
Problem Statement Definition
A problem statement is something that defines the problem that is faced by a business or a management. It helps in identifying the right solution for it. Problem statements give a concise description of the issue that is being addressed for improvement. It even gives you an opportunity to identify the gap between the current state and the desired goal of a product. When you are going to focus on facts, the problem statement should address the what, who, when, where and why. Take note that the first step in solving a problem is by trying to understand the problem itself, of which can be done through the process of having a problem statement.
Such problem statements are meant to be used among business, organizations, and even in managements to execute processes that helps in improving a particular project. A well-defined problem statement can be used by project teams to be able to understand a specific problem and find a better solution. It will also help the management in providing insights so that they can make approving decisions.
Writing an Effective Management Problem Statement
In project management, the problem statement itself can be considered as something that can be used to define problems to make the stakeholders and project team focus their attention on the main goal. A good problem statement should be able to answer:
- What is the problem?
- Who has the problem?
- Where does the problem occur?
- When does the problem occur?
- What is the impact of the problem?
Writing a good management problem statement should be:
Concise – your problem should be condensed into one sentence only. Make sure that it has the whole point.
Specific – it should be focusing on the research, thinking, and finding a solution towards the main issue.
Measurable – problems can also be measured in terms of its degree and frequency.
What is being impacted – it should also be able to identify the population that was being affected by the problem itself.
What are the steps in creating a problem statement?
Write down the problem then expand the problem by trying to answer the 5 W’s (what, when, where, who, why). After that, you may rewrite the problem statement based on the answers that you got. Lastly, revise the problem statement and make it into just one statement.
How are you going to review a new problem statement?
You have to focus only on one problem. Write it in a one to two sentences long and do not write the solution yet.
What are the elements in defining a problem statement?
It includes the problem, what it affects, the impact and the solution.
It is important to have a well-written management problem statement. It should be unambiguous to help your team provide the desired foundation to begin working with the best solution that will truly fit in to your problem.