Describing problems through a problem statement will help you keep track of your goals with regards to social marketing efforts. It even makes a clarification as to what the public health problem is, the people affected, and your proposal to which it addresses the issue. Having a clear problem description will help you have a solid analysis that will guide you upon deciding if it would be necessary for you to undertake a social marketing effort. Health problem is considered to be a gap between the health status and the current status which could lead you in answering these questions: What should be occurring? Who is affected? and What would possibly happen if the problem isn’t properly addressed?
Every patient has a different story to tell. That is why medical problem statement exists to address it. When writing an effective problem statement, you have to identify the problem, opportunity, or the challenge that you are facing. Define the current performance measures and target performance issues. You also have to determine the cause of the problem and know what should be done in order to solve the problem. Lastly, define how the problem will be solved. You must also consider the following: having a good metric that will be useful for the needs analysis report and remembering what an effective problem statement should consider.
10+ Medical Problem Statement Samples
1. Emergency Medical Services Problem Statement
2. Website Medical Pharmacy Problem Statement
3. Medical Problem Statement
4. Medical Resources Problem Statement
5. Medical Problem Presentation Statement
6. Medical Home Initiative Problem Statement
7. Medical Health Position Problem Statement
8. Medical Student Problem Statement
9. Medical Group Problem Statement
10. Medical Advisory Committee Problem Statement
11. Medical Association Problem Statement
Examples of Medical Problem Statements
Below are some examples of a medical problem statement:
Example 1: “Starting in 1989, Congress designated a specific portion of each state’s Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) budget allocation to be used for the promotion and support of breastfeeding among WIC participants. More than five years after the government started supporting promotional efforts, breastfeeding rates among WIC participants were considerably lower than for women of higher socioeconomic levels. In 1995, 59.7 percent of infants in the U.S. were breastfed at birth while only 46.6 percent of infants in WIC programs were. At six months postpartum, the rates were 21.6 percent nationally and only 12.7 percent for WIC-enrolled infants. In September 1995, Best Start Social Marketing, a non-profit social marketing organization based in Tampa, Florida, was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which administers WIC, to develop a comprehensive, national breastfeeding promotional campaign through WI.”
Example 2: “People with intellectual disabilities (ID) are at increased risk for poor health outcomes and health disparities. The lack of health care provider training on disability has been highlighted in recent literature as a key, modifiable determinant of the health disparities experienced by people with ID.
Despite national calls for didactic and clinical interventions aimed at improving health care provider competency in treating people with ID, most health care providers receive little training during medical school in the health care of patients with ID. Additionally, mainstream clinical guidelines do not address the unique concerns of patients with ID. As a result, patients with ID are not included in mainstream health care delivery organizations and practices.”
What should you consider in mapping the cause of a medical problem?
You may consider the genetic and biological factors, psychological factors, behaviors, factors in physical and social environment.
How do you identify your audience?
You have to group your audiences into segments. Determine which among your audiences are most affected by the problem, most likely to change their behavior, most feasible to reach, and key secondary audiences. Avoid making audiences that are considered too broad. Lastly, add audiences that could help bring change.
If you want to see more samples and format, check out some of the medical problem statement samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.