Maintaining an annual record of personal accounts is mandatory to file the right income tax every year. Every individual should manage it so that they have the full grip on their assets and liabilities. People appoint professionals to do it for them, but the following personal financial statements will help every individual to maintain their record themselves with ease. They have all the necessary provisions and sections, and all one needs to do is to fill them up as per his estimations. You may also see the Sample Statements.

Personal Financial Statement Form Sample

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This is a complete personal financial statement form. It is best for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It is available in tabular format with the asset in one row and liabilities in another. It has provisions to mention the source of income, stocks and bonds, real estate owned and other declarations.

Business Administration Personal Financial Statement

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This is for business owners and founders of companies. It is to note their personal financial statement, and it will help them to give the exact income tax to the government. It is in the form an audit report with blank fields to fill assets, liabilities, assets owned, notes payable and so on.

Sample Personal Financial Statement Worksheet

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This is a fillable personal financial statement worksheet. It contains details of assets, liabilities, cash in hand, notes receivable, stocks, bonds, real estate properties, automobiles, insurances, credit card liabilities, and notes payable.

Sample Blank Personal Financial Statement

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Size: 70 KB


This is a complete format for recording a personal financial statement. It is blank and has a clean format for noting down the assets, liabilities, annual income, an estimate of annual expense, and other details. It has different sections to mention the cash in bank, insurances, securities, notes payable and receivable and so on.

Personal Financial Statement Excel Format

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Size: 6 KB


This is a personal financial statement format in Excel. It is an easy way to maintain a record of assets with details, liabilities, source of income and calculate net worth. It has multiple tables to record stocks, securities, real estates, liabilities details such as credit card, notes payable and mortgage.

Sample Personal Financial Statement Schedule

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Size: 35 KB


Personal Financial Statement Of Income And Expenses

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Size: 125 KB


Personal Financial Statement Credit Application

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Size: 28 KB


Personal Individual Financial Statement Example

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  • DOCX

Size: 8 KB


Usage of Personal Financial Statements

Every person should maintain personal financial records. But most people think it is complicated and time-consuming and so they appoint professionals to do it for them. The above-mentioned personal Financial Statements have all the fields that one can fill themselves and record their financial dealings like income, expenditure and estimate their annual income and net worth. They can file income tax accordingly and keep a complete track of their assets and liabilities.

Targeted Audience

The targeted audiences are the Personal Financial Statement formats are those people who are making an income. It does not depend on the professions, jobs or business they are involved in. The personal financial statement forms and formats remain the same for everyone. They have blank fields to fill, and it will help anyone to fill it up without professional help. They are also useful for the students studying in chartered accountant course to understand the entire process of auditing with ease. They are tailor-made for entrepreneurs and small business owners.

The above-mentioned personal financial statements are applicable for every individual irrespective of their professions and businesses. They will help to understand the total annual income, net worth, liabilities, and assets at possession at the end of the year. They can also find out the depreciation value and appreciate the value of their assets like stocks, real estates, bonds, mutual funds, insurances and so on.

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