A personal history statement tells what kind of colleague you will become. It gives its readers, usually a screening committee, a peek into your personality, your motivations, your inclinations, your personal background and information, etc. It serves as your introduction to an institution you want to join. In short, you’re selling yourself when you make one. . .well, figuratively.

But that doesn’t mean that there is only one kind of personal history statement that you can use everywhere. Depending on which institution—a graduate school, business, law enforcement—your personal statement differs. These free downloadable Sample Statements give details that you can use when you make your own.

Sample Post Personal History Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 235 KB


Personal History Statement for Graduate School

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 42 KB


Printable Law Enforcement Personal History Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 741 KB


Modern Personal History Statement in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


Overview of Different Personal History Statements

Whether you are applying for graduate school, law enforcement, or business, a personal history statement will be asked of you. However, it’s a bit tricky to make one considering that sometimes there are many similarities among other requirements like cover letters, resumes, or curriculum vitae. A personal history statement, unlike the rest and as the name implies, is more concerned on your personal background and information and history rather than listing your job experiences. The following are some of our free samples of personal history statements:

  • Personal History Statement for Graduate School. Most graduate schools require its applicants to write a personal history statement to see what kind of student you will become. Many academic institutions look for a particular kind, and your personal history statement will show them your image as a person and as a future academician.
  • Personal History Statement for Law Enforcement. As a candidate for law enforcement, your personal history statement is necessary to ensure that you will not become a problem and that you are trustworthy. This is also used to check your background information. Make sure that you do not misstate anything in the form, or else you’ll get disqualified.
  • Personal History Statement for Business. Asks for your background information in business and employment. Personal history statements for business ask specific questions about your experience in business.

A personal history statement usually goes with other job requirements like a cover letter and a resume. So imagine if you’re the one screening applicants. If you have to read a mountain-like mound of applications, wouldn’t you somehow skip parts of a resume? In that case, you will need a resume summary statement to give the employer a quick peek into your skills. Check out our Sample Resume Summary Statements to make sure that your resume stands out.

Basic Personal and Business History Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 281 KB


Personal/Criminal History Statement Example

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  • PDF

Size: 372 KB


Police Department Personal History Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 99 KB


Free Personal History Statement Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


Personal History Statement in Word

File Format
  • DOCX

Size: 164 KB


As a final note, personal history statements are mostly asked from those who want to enter the academe. In which case, you will also be asked for other requirements especially concerning your academic background and accomplishments. One requirement is your research statement, which will show the screening committee if your research will follow your previous accomplishments and if they are novel and necessary. Look at our Sample Research Statements and use them as a model in writing your own.

Our other samples of personal statements come in Word (.docx) format or are PDFs. You can download them for free and study how they are written or what information are asked in the forms. Your personal history statements are necessary, so do them well and honestly.

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